What level is it?

SS class?

These people dare not think, many people have been scared to sit on the ground, a face dementia.


At this time, a bloody hand stretched out of the ruins.

It was the black widow.

She tried her best to climb out of the ruins, trying to escape.

The black widow realized the power of the monster and the difference between her and the monster, so she couldn't think of fighting.

She just wants to run away now.

Get out of here.

Leave this monster!

It's so powerful!

But before she could stand up, the monster's tall figure stood in front of the black widow.

The black widow's dirty face was filled with despair.

She was defeated.

At this moment, there was no idea of resistance at all, so when she saw the monster in front of her, the black widow cried directly.

She cried to the monster.

"Please let me go."

"I know I'm wrong. I'm not your opponent. I won't dare to challenge you again."

"Please give me another chance. I can make you a horse in the next life."


the black widow even knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the monster, just wanted to let her go.

Because she knew that the monster was so powerful that it was really easy to kill her!

But the monster did not wait for her to finish speaking, he directly punched her moving face.


In an instant, the black widow's cheek was sunken, and the whole person was spinning and flying backwards. More than a dozen teeth were flying in the air.

Finally, he fell on the ground in a mess. He was black and blue, and his flesh and blood were blurred. There were only a few teeth left.


The black widow touched her face and screamed, "I don't want to die!"

She lies on the ground, crawling in the opposite direction to the monster.

"Who will help me?"

"There are monsters here. Who can help me?"

"I don't want to die, no matter who it is, come and help me!"

The hundreds of people in front of her, at this moment, are really stupid, they stand in place, silent.

Because I was too scared to speak.

Black widows who are as powerful as S-class have come to such a miserable end.

How powerful is this monster?

Who can beat it?

It is invincible!

They couldn't speak. They felt as if their heart had been pinched by an invisible hand, and their eyes widened. One by one, they seemed to be tombstones with weeds in the cemetery.

"Hahaha --"

the monster looked at the black widow struggling to crawl on the ground, and laughed wildly.


"Call the others."

"Just let me catch all of them!"

"I hope a few people will warm me up!"

The black widow's body constantly trembled, listening to the monster's words, her heart more desperate.

This monster is so powerful.

Can anyone really beat it?

Certainly not.

This monster is invincible, invincible!

But this is the moment.


An ice arrow suddenly burst from the place 100 meters behind the monster.

The monster didn't even dodge. The ice arrow shot on its back and exploded directly, leaving no scar.

"There's another mouse coming." The monster grinned and turned.

Then it saw two people, a man and a woman, the man's elegant extraordinary, the woman's beautiful moving.

It is Lin Fei and ye Yuxue.

When I heard the widow, I saw the two people in the back.

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