Finally, it's time for the rally.

After a long time, you can see a mess, and the rolling smoke into the sky.

After the mutation.

The monster's head, on the growth of the body, and become more powerful.

Although it has a human face, it can spout fire when it opens its mouth, and its eyes can emit lightning, which is very powerful.

Because the monster's head was placed in the guild's basement, when the monster resurrected, it destroyed the guild immediately.

"I'm back!"

When the monster laughed, the golden lightning fell from the dark cloud and ran through the whole guild.

Several workers were chopped into coke on the spot.

At the beginning, they were also laughing at Lin Fei and the girl. Now they don't even know how to die.

There was no strong man to guard the guild, and no one thought that monsters would appear from the underground of the guild, so the huge guild became a ruin in the blink of an eye.

The monster jumped out of the ruins and came to the street to kill.

"Isn't this the monster Qingfeng killed?"

"How can it survive? Go and invite Qingfeng


When the talent finished shouting, a flash of lightning split his head and turned him into a headless corpse and fell on the ground rigidly.


Seeing the scene in front of them, many people were scared and their legs became soft. They didn't know who called out. A group of people turned around and ran.

"To die."

The monster said, jumped up, opened its mouth and spewed out the flames, lit up a large number of people.


Even if it is raining now, the flame seems to be unable to extinguish, but it is burning more and more vigorously.


"Who will help me?"

Many people rolled back on the ground, trying to put out the fire, but it was useless, the fire could not be extinguished at all.

"It's no use." The monster laughed: "my flame, can ignite the soul."

"Ha ha --"

the monster walks through the fire with a smile.

Hundreds of people were rolling in puddles on the street trying to extinguish the flames, but it didn't work.

The monster, which was originally the peak of S-level, became more powerful after the change of heaven and earth.

"Help, I don't want to die yet!"

Many people were struggling in the fire and Howling bitterly, but it didn't work. More and more people were burnt to coke.

The streets were ablaze with fire. It was a scene of hell.

Countless people were frightened by the sight of hell. Their legs were soft and they couldn't stand on the ground.

When condemning Lin Fei and the girl, they acted very well.

But now, in the face of a real monster, they're not even brave enough to stand up.

"Who will help us?" A group of people howled.

"Stop it!"

At this time, a sword light fell from nine days.

The monster jumped to the side flexibly and just avoided the sword.

The next moment, I saw a figure floating.

It's the meteor swordsman.

The meteor swordsman looked at the scene of hell in front of him, his eyes were red, and he cried out, "evil animal, you should die!"

"Evil animal?"

The monster laughed at the meteor swordsman: "you a mole ant, can also say this kind of words?"


The meteor swordsman roars and rushes forward.

Originally, he was seriously injured, but because of the change of heaven and earth, his injury was healed, and he was several times stronger than before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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