Now he is very confident and has the feeling that one sword can split the whole world.

But it's just an illusion.

"Meteor swordsman!"

When he was seen, a glimmer of joy appeared on the faces of those sitting on the ground.

"We're saved. That's great!"

They see hope in the meteor swordsman.

Since Qingfeng has defeated this monster to become S-level, that is to say, the strength of this monster is around s level.

"Meteor swordsman is S-level originally, can easily defeat this monster!"

The meteor swordsman rushes to the monster and cuts it out with one sword. He wants to chop off the head of the monster in front of him, because he feels so disgusting.

But just then, the monster's eyes flashed, and two thunderbolts came out.


A crisp sound.

The two golden bolts of lightning split on the long sword of the meteor swordsman, and immediately exploded.

When the shock wave was about to fly out of the meteor swordsman, the whole person retreated dozens of meters, and the sword in his hand "hummed" and trembled.

At the same time, there are golden lightning jumping on the meteor swordsman.

That's because lightning has just spread from the sword.

The meteor swordsman stood there, pale, because now he was barely standing. When the strong electric current passed through him, he almost fainted.

Now the electric current is beating in the body, and every cell is paralyzed.

He didn't feel like he could stand here. He had done his best!

"You're still strong enough to block my attack."

The monster approached with a smile, and the smile on his face seemed very ferocious and terrifying.

"It's a pity that's what happened to you." "The monster said:" block this blow, you have exhausted all your strength, now your, should have been unable to move it. "

The meteor swordsman wanted to refute, but he found that even his mouth was out of control.

"Ha ha --"

the monster laughed, and a flame burst out from his mouth, which ignited the people who were watching the drama not far away.


The scream went off again.

The meteor swordsman widened his eyes and his eyes were red.

He wanted to make a move, but the numbness on his body made him feel very powerless. He could not catch the sword in his hand.

"Help us

Screams and howls reverberate in the meteor swordsman's ears.

"Ha ha..."

and the laughter of the monster.

The meteor swordsman closed his eyes in despair. He couldn't bear to see or hear these sounds.

And this is the moment.

"Stop it!"

A ray of light came from nine days, and directed at the monster. It was a flash!

"Another one?"

The monster jumped back, easily avoiding the flash attack, and then said, "can't you go together? I'm very tired to come here one by one. "

"Is there anything else you want?"

It didn't pay attention to the flash at all.

The flash looked at the miserable image in front of her eyes, and heard the despairing howl in her ear. Her fists were tightly pinched up.

"Watch out for the lightning." "I can't move now," said the meteor swordsman

"I see."

Flash gently nodded, and then looked at the monster with a murderous face and said, "I can kill you alone!"

He broke out when the voice dropped.

Step out.


The streets were shaken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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