"Yes, go and have a look." Lin Fei goes down with the girl.

In the house, the young man searching for batteries suddenly stopped. He turned to look at the direction of the door and suddenly said, "all wait, there are guests."

Lin Fei and the girl have not approached, they have been found.

When they walked into the room, they found several people looking at themselves, and the man with a funny smile on his face.

"Two guests, I'm sorry. Now this power station is our property." The leading man said with a faint smile: "you'd better get out as soon as possible. I'm in a good mood today, so I don't want to kill people."

The girl frowned slightly and stared at the man.

Lin Fei took the girl's hand and said with a smile, "we are just ordinary survivors. We have been hiding in this power station all the time. We come here when we see you."

"Oh?" The leading man laughed and said, "what are you doing with me?"

"I want to be with you." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Who expected Lin Fei's words just fell, this man started, he separated from the space to Lin Fei's eyebrows a little bit.


A dark, finger sized light burst out towards Linfei's eyebrows.

Lin Fei looked at the opponent's hands, but his body did not move, because he didn't even need to do it, because no matter what kind of attack, they had no effect on him.

As a result, the light swept past Lin Fei's head.

It was intentional.

He put down his hand and said, "it's interesting. Now I believe you. You can mix with me later and call me brother snake."

In his opinion, the reason why Lin Fei didn't move was that he didn't react or couldn't react at all.

Because he's too weak.

Lin Fei laughs and pulls the girl to walk in the past and successfully breaks into the interior.

With some people here, we can find Titan dynamo more quickly and see the power of darkness.

The girl did not speak because she guessed what Lin Fei was going to do.

"You are so lucky to find brother snake." There are several people who follow brother snake. Now someone is standing beside Lin Fei and talking to him: "you just need to take care of brother snake, and you will certainly be able to continue to live."

Another look at the girl, he said: "this little sister looks good-looking, in the future, as long as you take good care of brother snake, there must be endless glory and wealth."

The girl gave the man a look.

"Did you just get scared?" "You almost died," the man continued

"That's one of brother snake's unique skills. Brother snake has the power of darkness. Just that finger can shoot through a meter thick iron plate."

Lin Fei immediately said, "so strong!"

"That is, snake brother invincible, even if it is an S-level monster, he can easily overcome."

He patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said, "if you are so weak, you will follow brother snake. You will learn from it and benefit your whole life."

The Party passed through several houses and finally arrived at the warehouse.

"You go and open the door." Snake looks at Lin Fei.

"Me?" "Why me?" Lin Fei said

"Don't talk nonsense. You can do it if you want to." Nearby someone immediately said: "snake brother saved you, you listen to a little bit, careful snake brother angry, throw you out to feed zombies."

Lin Fei takes a perspective look at the warehouse and finds a high-level zombie inside.

Or monsters.

This monster Lin Fei also met several times, it is the previous kind of parasitic in the human body of the monster.

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