However, because of the change of heaven and earth again, this one in front of me seems to be more tall, and his armor is shining like the hardest armor in the world.

Lin Fei takes a look at these people, so do they know there are monsters in them?

But he went forward and opened the door.

Because I want to see the snake brother's ability.

He pushed the door of the warehouse, and the heavy iron door suddenly made a piercing sound, which startled all the zombies around him.

And the monsters in the warehouse are also noisy.

"You rubbish!" Snake's face turned black when he heard the loud noise.

Lin Fei shrugged and said, "you asked me to push the door. You should blame yourself for this."

Snake wants to say something more, but by this time he has seen many zombies gathering from all directions.

Boom -

there was also a huge noise coming from the warehouse.

The next moment, a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

In a daze, Lin Fei returned to the girl's side.

"I'll settle with you when the matter is settled." Snake brother said fiercely, he thought this matter is mainly caused by Lin Fei.

After the third world change, ordinary zombies became more powerful.

Although they falter, but the speed is much faster than normal people running, some also four feet on the ground like a spider quickly crawling.

"All to death!"

Snake opened his mouth coldly. His hands stopped in front of his chest, as if he had caught a ball.

The next moment, Lin Fei saw a trace of black light from all around, in the man's hands become a black light ball.

He threw it to the side with the most zombies.

When the black light ball flew out, a black light shot out of it, penetrating dozens of zombies and killing a blood path immediately.

"You can take care of the rest." Snake said, and he focused his attention on the monster.

"This monster, I've never met." He picked his eyebrows.

Raise your hand.


The black light hit the monster's armor and was immediately bounced off. The black light of the armor was not damaged at all.

"It's kind of interesting."

Brother snake sneered and jumped up. He could jump more than ten meters high. He wanted to jump behind the monster.

But before he landed, the monster seemed to have seen through him. He immediately turned around and waved his claw at the place where brother snake was about to fall!

Buzz -

this claw is too sharp. When it is waved, it seems that the air has been cut.

Seeing this scene, the man in the air immediately frowned. The monster was much more flexible than he thought, and even shot ahead of time!

If it falls like this, he will definitely be cut in half.

So at the critical time, the black light on the man's hand condensed and pressed with one hand.


A black light hit the monster and exploded at once, but the monster was still standing still, and the paw waving movement was still not stopped.

The monster's armor was shining, and it was this armor that prevented the attack.

"Damn it."

The man swears: "how can this thing be so hard?"

Although this hit had no effect on the monster, the momentum of his subsequent attack flew back a distance just to avoid the monster's strike.


This blow of the monster is empty, showing a huge flaw. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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