As soon as the man landed on the ground, he rushed over in two steps and kicked out with one foot.

The black light condenses on his foot, enhancing the strength of his foot.


With a loud noise, the man kicked the foot, and the ground under his feet was shattered by the huge force of feedback.

Even though the man tried his best, the monster was still as steady as Mount Tai and didn't step back!

But he himself staggered back more than ten meters.

His face was pale, and his right foot was shaking violently, because the strength of the feedback from that foot just now made him feel that his foot was broken.

It's too hard.

It was like kicking on a steel plate full of steel thorns.

"How could that be possible?" He glared at the monster in front of him.

This monster is too powerful, has exceeded his expectation, has never seen such a strong defense monster before!

"No way!"

And at this time, not far away came the cry of alarm.

The man looked in the direction of the voice, and his pupils suddenly shrank. A tall bull was coming along with hundreds of zombies.

After another mutation, the body shape of the bull has also changed greatly.

This time, they have not become more huge, but have shrunk by half, but their strength is dozens of times stronger than before.

There's a feeling of returning to nature.

Looking around the dense zombies, there are two S-class monsters in front of me. The man's face turns white and he has already revealed his panic.

Now his leg is injured, how to fight?

It's impossible to escape.

There is no doubt that you will die!


At this time, the monster started, the sharp claws waved again, straight to the man's head.

But the paw stopped when it was half a meter away from the man's head, because Lin Fei suddenly stood in front of the man and caught the paw.

Now, I'll let the monster fly away and solve the problem

The man looked at the figure in front of him, and couldn't believe it.

In front of this person, at the beginning is not even their own random move can not hide it?

"Aren't you a survivor here?" "Why are you waiting to block this monster's attack?" he said

"I lied to you, of course." Lin Fei said: "listen to the gatekeeper said you are very strong, and I have never seen the ability, so I was curious, so I came to have a look."


The man was shocked and couldn't believe the truth.

At this time, the monster strode to come, and it was a paw flying towards the forest.

"One shot, second kill, close."

Lin Fei wanted to see the power of his own cause and effect, so he turned off the second kill and raised his hand to catch the monster's paw.


Catch, take claw by Lin Fei to catch in the hand, can't move.

Lin Fei took a step forward and punched the monster in the stomach.


There was another dull sound. The monster, which had just eaten the man's full strength but still did not move, was shocked back tens of meters by Lin Fei's fist, leaving hundreds of footprints more than ten centimeters deep on the ground!

Although not as strong as one shot, it is still strong.

"One shot, second kill, start."

The man saw Lin Fei's fist, which he had been unable to fight for half a day, and pulled out to dozens of meters. He was immediately stunned.

What kind of power does this have to be? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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