Therefore, the reason why the other side did not avoid their own attacks before was not because they could not react, but did not pay attention to them at all!

The monster stopped with great difficulty, and Lin Fei smashed all his armor with one punch.

It looks at the human in anger.

A roar, rapid rush, tall figure like a rampant tank.

But Lin Fei is not afraid.

He raised his left hand and spread it out to the rushing monster.

My mind moved.


A black light suddenly burst out from his hands. It was a black light one meter thick. It went straight through the rushing monster and didn't stop.

Even the bull 100 meters behind the monster was also smashed by the black light!

Wipe me

The scene was so sudden that everyone present was taken aback.

Even the zombies coming from all around stopped one after another. It seems that there is something wrong with this human being. How can anyone kill two S-class monsters with one move?

At this time, Lin Fei took out a rocket launcher from his pocket in front of everyone.

All the people said:

Just a few hundred zombies, Lin Fei can blow through with his eyes closed.

At the end of the battle, there are big pits all over the ground, and thick smoke of gunpowder rushes up to the sky.

But the zombies that just seemed to be unable to finish were all gone, as if they had never appeared before!

Lin Fei threw the barrel away and said, "OK, it's over."

Everyone looked at the spotless Lin Fei and swallowed his saliva fiercely. What immortal is this?

Just too many operations, all reaction to come!

"Are you a God?"

Snake brother hid behind Lin Fei and asked, "Why are you so strong? How powerful are rockets? Can't the shells be finished? "

Several questions were thrown at once.

Just now everything happened too fast, hundreds of zombies and two S-level monsters were solved in an instant. How powerful is this?

Even the dark power that he has always been proud of, Lin Fei has it, and it is countless times stronger than him.

At least he couldn't penetrate the monster.

"It's these things that are too weak. You can do it." Lin Fei said.


The man shook his head and said, "you are a hundred times stronger than us. Since you are so strong, there is nothing not to be clear at the beginning? Otherwise, we dare not be presumptuous to you

These people keep nodding.

They are all frightened by the strength of Lin Fei, which is even more frightening than monsters.

Especially the one who just patted Linfei on the shoulder.

I'm shaking.

"Power is not for show off." Lin Fei said, "even if you prove that you are strong? I'm not going to be another person. "

"Is power for the sake of fighting

Lin Fei said with a faint smile: "only cowardly people can prove their strength by force."

The man froze for a moment.

Then he said, "but there are high and low power, who is strong and who is weak, must be divided into high and low!"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "there is no difference between strength and height. Only those who use strength can have high and low difference."

This time, the man was completely stunned.

Not only he, but also other people are standing in the same place speechless.

Only those who use strength can be divided into high and low ones? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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