"The guild took it boring." The girl's face was slightly red.


Lin Fei opened his own and was stunned because there was a clear line on it.

"Linfei, S-level, can control the fire."

Deep in thought.

Looking back, the matchless sword girl, the Lord of fire, ice rose, ice princess, and what about yourself?

Two clear big characters are my name.

"I'm too hard." Lin Fei sighed: "the weak do not deserve a title."

The girl immediately white his one eye, way: "the world is the first."

"What is the best in the world?"

At this time, a strange voice sounded in front of them. They looked ahead and saw a young man with long red hair striding forward.

"Lord of fire."

Lin Fei solemnly read out these four words. In fact, he wanted to laugh, because he felt that he was in the middle of the second grade.

"You are Lin Fei." The Lord of the fire chuckled: "beside this lovely princess, must be the ice rose."

"Thank you for the compliment." The girl's polite smile.

The eyes of the Lord of the fire fell on Lin Fei's body and said, "Linfei, wait and compete with me."

"Well?" Lin Fei looks at the man in front of him.

"I've read your information. You also have the power of fire, and I'm also the power of fire. Let's see who's more powerful than one?" Said the Lord of fire.

"No, No Lin Fei refused in a hurry. How can we compare it? "It hurts," he said

"How did it hurt you?"

The Lord of fire said with a smile, "do you need burning life to use your fire power?"

"No Lin Fei shakes his head.

"We'll have a match later to see who will beat the bull first."

"Don't bully people." At this time, there was a female voice not far away. Matchless Jianji came slowly and said, "he just became S-level. He must have become stronger after the third change."

"He is not only unable to control his own power, but also impossible to be your opponent."

Hearing Jianji's words, the Lord of fire fell into silence.

Then he said with a serious look, "you have a point."

"But after all, there is a difference between powers."

"Whose flame is stronger and whose flame is weaker must be clearly distinguished."

Lin Fei is speechless after hearing this. Power is not used to fight for power. It is used to protect himself and others.

"Let's go." "Go now," said the Lord of fire

Then he walked in front of him. The task had instructions to prevent him from getting lost.

The Lord of the fire walked in the front, and the matchless Jianji was much slower. Finally, she stood by Lin Fei's side and said, "you are so miserable."

"What's wrong with waking up? You wake up to the fire, and that guy is a fighting maniac."

"You're in trouble for being followed by him."

Listening to the words of matchless Jianji, Lin Fei glanced at the back of the flame Lord and sighed for a long time. It was too difficult to be quiet.

"There's no need to sigh. Even if you lose to him, it's not a shame. After all, he's really strong." Wushuang Jianji thinks Linfei is desperate.

Lin Fei didn't explain. He didn't take the competition of the Lord of fire in his heart.

Because no matter what, the other side can't win their own.

What he is more curious about now is, what is reinforcement bull?

So he asked, "what is reinforcement bull?"

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