The walking flame Lord and matchless Jianji both gave a violent meal, and then looked at Lin Fei in disbelief, as if they were looking at a mountain man.

"You don't even know what it is?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "no, so I don't know."

In fact, he did.

In the power station, at the beginning of the day, a bull came with countless zombies, but he left it alone for seconds.

That's why he didn't remember seeing a reinforced bull.

"It seems that you are really a new man." Wushuang Jianji sighed and said, "you haven't seen a strong bull. You should have seen an ordinary bull."

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded.

"What kind of feeling do they give you?" Wushuang Jianji asked.

She would have answered some words like "terror", "powerful" and "invincible".

After all, the bull once gave her such a feeling.

As a result, Lin Fei said, "what do you feel? I don't feel much. "

It's just like a normal zombie.

If you have to say something different...

over, Lin Fei is shocked to find that there is no difference between a bull and a zombie.

"All right."

Wushuang Jianji sighed and said, "it seems that you haven't seen the real strength of the bull. The ordinary bull can give people a feeling of despair and helplessness."

"The enhanced bull is the evolution of the bull. They give up the larger body and return to the nature. They are more than two meters tall, but their strength is more than ten times stronger than before. At the same time, their movements are more flexible, and they become very difficult to deal with."

Wushuang Jianji said: "even if you are an S-level ability, you will be in danger if you are not careful."

"That's really scary." Lin Fei said.

"You are really a new man." The Lord of fire also made such an assessment.

"You won't know how powerful they are until you really meet them." Wushuang Jianji said: "in the battle, we have no way to ensure your safety, so I advise you to be careful."

Lin Fei nodded.

Finally, it's near the destination.

Standing on the roof of a villa, the four men looked down on the surrounding areas, and soon found the three reinforced bulls.

As expected, they are similar to what Wushuang Jianji said.

The body is dark and shiny. The figure has changed from five meters high to about two meters now, but the muscles on the body give people a sense of oppression.

Matchless sword Ji said: "I and the Lord of fire one to one, you two to deal with one, no problem."

"No problem." The girl replied.

The Lord of the fire laughed at Lin Fei and said, "from now on, I hope you don't let me down."

He took the lead in jumping.

Wushuang Jianji also jumped down.

The two men quickly approach the fortified bull, and the battle begins immediately.

"I've gone too." Said the girl.

"Go ahead, be careful. I'll watch here." Lin Fei never wanted to try anything, so he didn't do anything.


The girl nodded and jumped.

Three people, just one against a bull.

When the battle began, the body of the Lord of fire was suddenly ignited by the flame. He was like a demon who came out of hell. The flames rushed up to the sky, and the air was distorted by baking.

"Let me burn you to ashes."

He exclaimed, charging at the bull. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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