"You are in such a hurry."

Lin Fei said, "don't worry, we can definitely get the fruit."

"Even if you can't get it, there must be fruit in other places. I'll find it then."

After listening to Lin Fei's words, the girl became much quieter.

But that night, the girl began to cook at six o'clock. After eating, she urged Lin Fei to take a bath.

Then I went to bed after nine o'clock.

Pa Pa Pa --

the girl lay on the side of the bed, patting the position beside her, indicating Lin Fei to lie up.

Lin Fei has no choice but to go to bed honestly.

But just lying on, the girl took the initiative to get into her arms, together for a long time, she has not been shy at the beginning.

The next day, before dawn, Lin Fei was awakened by the girl.

Pick up the mobile phone and have a look. It's only five o'clock.

"Get up, wash your face, brush your teeth and have breakfast." The girl wore an apron and said, "I've made breakfast already."

"Give me a break, sister." Lin Fei begged for mercy and said, "it's only five thirty."

"No way."

The girl said rightfully: "now you must get up, or the power fruit will be picked."

After all, she was defeated by a strong girl, and Lin Fei could only get up.

When eating breakfast, the girl finished the porridge in a few mouthfuls, and then watched Lin Fei eat breakfast. She couldn't wait any longer.

Lin Fei sighed in her heart that the girl was still too young, so she took a cup of soybean milk and set off.

They followed the route they had learned yesterday to the hillside.

When they came here, a white light just appeared in the sky.

Take a look at the time. It's six seventeen in the morning.

Look at the hillside below, there are more than 30 people standing.

"Don't these people sleep?"

Lin Fei is surprised, holding the girl to find a place to land, and then take the soy milk, with the girl in the past.

"Hell, you don't have to sleep?" Lin Fei said in a voice, "it's all out before dawn."

With Lin Fei's opening, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Fei.

Then I was stunned.

"What's in your hand?"

They all saw Lin Fei holding a cup of warm things in his hand. They could smell a faint fragrance from afar. This smell was heard a few months ago, and it was very familiar.

But I can't say what it is now.

"Soymilk." Lin Fei looked at the person in front of him in surprise and said, "don't you all eat breakfast?"

People: "they are a little bit crazy about catching things.

Why can Lin Fei drink Soybean milk?

This is the end of the world, all kinds of materials are very rare, not to mention sugar and so on, is a very large yield of soybeans, now basically can not see.

So why can this person drink Soybean Milk in front of you?

What's more, it can be seen that there is still heat rising on it. It's just squeezed out!

"Where did you get your soymilk?"

Someone swallowed his saliva and couldn't help asking Lin Fei.

"Well?" Lin Fei said, "of course, it was made by hand."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help pulling the girl over and praising: "she made it for me. It's super delicious."

Under the gaze of so many people, the girl's pretty face turned red.


Immediately someone couldn't help but cry.

Even if there is soy milk to drink, this force even has a girlfriend!

"Why the hell?"

They were very depressed.

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