Why is it that there is still hot soybean milk to drink in the last days? What's more, the soymilk is made by his girlfriend!

"Do it! I'm dying of envy. "

"Real name envy."

"Show love, die soon!"

"Why is there a torch in my hand?"

On the one hand, if you don't have enough to show off, you can't live a good life if you don't have enough.

It's a winner in life.

"What are you doing here?" Someone asked.

"I'll do whatever you do here." Lin Fei rolled his eyes and said, "of course I'm here to get the fruit of the power. Can't I come here to invite you to eat?"

"Wait a minute, you won't touch that fruit!"

Immediately, someone said, "today your enemies are all of us."

"Even if the heavenly king and Laozi come, you will not be able to get close to the fruit of this power. This is what I said. Jesus can't save you!"

Lin Fei looks at these people in front of him, and doesn't know when he offended them.

It's finished at last.

Lin Fei burps, flattens the paper cup and burns it with fire.

After a look at the power fruit, it will mature in about an hour.

Hoo -

just at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew here.

"What's going on?"

When the fruit was about to mature, there was a sudden gust of wind. It was really strange, so all the people were on guard.

"You can go back."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came down from the sky.

Everyone looked up against the gale, then froze, and gradually widened their eyes.

"No trace of wind!"

Some people are excited to call out these three words.

Only Lin Fei and the girl looked at the reaction of these people in front of them inexplicably. Although the wind was howling here, they all took the initiative to avoid Lin Fei.

Other people's clothes are hunting, and Lin Fei's hair is not blown here.

"Who is this man?" Lin Fei asked the girl quietly.

"I don't know." The girl replied.

When the wind is traceless, his toes gently fall to the ground, where the howling wind suddenly stops. He is dressed in white, with long hair and waist, and his face is elegant, which is quite a master's style.

"This fruit belongs to me." Said the wind without trace.

"No way."

Immediately someone refused.

As a result, there was no trace of wind, and the cold light in my eyes flashed.



The man screamed and strode back, and his right hand whirled up into the sky.


The man's face was pale, and he knelt on the ground directly. His left hand tightly grasped the wound of his right arm, but the blood was not stopped.

"What did you just say?" The wind has no trace, the vision light looks at this man.

"No The man subconsciously shook his head and said, "nothing."

Wind no trace this just smile to say: "is a understand person."

Then his eyes fell on all of them and said, "today, the fruit of this power belongs to me, who has any objection?"

"If you disagree, you can stand up and protest."

However, a minute later, no one dared to stand up to protest.

Lin Fei looked at the scene in front of him and was very puzzled.

What is the origin of the wind? It has crushed these people in this way.

"I disagree."

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