"No wonder he didn't do it all the time. It turned out that he couldn't beat the wind without trace. He had to rely on the moves to avoid the wind and monsters."

They are sure that's the truth.

Because from the beginning to the end, Lin Fei has never made a move.

No, but what else can it be?


At this time, the monster opened his eyes again, and split two bright flashes of lightning, hitting the back of Lin Fei's head.

In the distance of less than a meter from Lin, he lifted his left hand and blocked the lightning with his palm.

The two bolts of lightning split on the palm of Lin Fei's hand, and they were bounced away!


The electricity and light bifurcated and passed by the two sides of Linfei. It was directly split on the ground and exploded immediately.

Two big pits appeared on the ground, which fully proved the power of the two lights. However, they still failed to hurt Lin Fei's palm.


The monster roared, leaped, and rushed toward Lin Fei.

It spewed out a flaming flame in the air, which was even more beautiful than blood. The heat was amazing, and the ground was baked black.

Lin Fei was engulfed by the flame at the first time.

Without giving people time to react, a hand suddenly stretched out from the fire and seized the monster's head.

The flame extinguished in an instant, and Lin Fei's figure appeared again.

As usual, he was safe and sound, even his clothes showed no sign of damage.

And the monster, is his left hand holding the head, high hanging there.

Until this moment, the crowd reacted and looked at the scene in horror.

Looking at Lin Fei's left hand pinching the monster's head, they just feel that they can't breathe any more, as if their heart was also pinched by Linfei.

"He stopped the fire motionless and caught the monster?"

They look silly.

"The wind has no trace to avoid the attack, he can directly block down?"

Seeing this scene, the smile on Feng Wuji's face disappeared and became dignified, because he couldn't do it just like that.

At this time, Lin Fei turned to look at the wind.

"Do you know why I didn't do it?" he said slowly


Wind no trace subconsciously asked.

"Because." Lin Fei laughed and said, "I'm afraid I'll kill you by accident."

As his voice dropped.


Just in the hands of Lin Fei struggling monster, head suddenly came a crisp sound, the sound is not small, but all the people present can clearly hear.

"The monster's head, crushed by him?"

The people in the distance widened their eyes. At this time, they felt the skull ache. The sound was too harsh, as if their own head had been pinched open.

The monster's limbs twitched a few times, and then it completely stopped moving.


Lin Fei's hand suddenly burst into flames, which directly exploded the monster's body. In a blink of an eye, it turned into pieces of meat.

And on his body, even a drop of blood did not stick!

Bang, bang, bang -

seeing this scene, someone finally couldn't bear it and sat down on the ground.

Just with the wind no trace into a flat monster, even by the eyes of this man, a move seconds!

What's more, the death looks miserable. There is no whole body!

"What God is this NIMA?"

Some people lost their souls and said, "can you compete with e city first?"

The wind without trace was scared by the scene in front of them and stepped back two steps. There was a look of shock on his face. How strong was the monster? He understood.

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