Even if he wants to defeat that monster, he has to pay a price.

But now, this man, even one move to the monster to pieces.

What power is this?

Only matchless sword Ji calmly watched this scene, because she knew that Lin Fei was very strong, and even strengthening the bull could not stop him. Don't say that it was a fragile monster.

Lin Fei looked at the wind and said slowly, "now I want to take this power fruit. Do you have any questions?"

The wind has no trace, subconsciously step back.


Lin Fei looked at the others and asked, "what about you?"

"No, No The gang shook their heads like rattles.

"You can make comments." Lin Fei looked at the group of people in front of him. His eyes looked like a ghost. He could not help saying, "I don't eat people."

"But since you don't have any opinions, I'll see you later."

Leave this sentence and he disappears.

Wipe me

This scene scared the group again.

"How did he get there? I didn't see anything clearly. Am I blind? "

"What immortal speed is this?"

Lin Fei left with the girl. Everyone was stunned because of what happened today.

Powerful to invincible, e city ranked second cruel man, wind no trace, even defeated!

His attack is of no use to Lin Fei!

And the wind no trace of almost the strength of a monster, was mercilessly killed, it died very miserable, was caught still struggling.

Since the monster is in such a mess.

The result of the wind without trace is absolutely nothing.

Some people have changed the monster into wind traceless in their mind, and then they are shocked to find that even if the wind has been caught, there is no way to resist.

"I remember it!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, "he's the one who just became S-level recently, Linfei!"

"S level..."

the wind is traceless and gloomy. Looking at the place where Lin Fei just stood, I don't know what he is thinking.


He turned and walked away, not wanting to stay in this place.

Wushuang Jianji stood on the top of the hill. Recalling the strength that Lin Fei showed just now, she murmured: "maybe he can stand with that man."

She also turned to leave.

But at this time, she found that there was something in her pocket. The pocket was high.

"When did I put something in it?"

Reaching in and touching, she suddenly froze.

Because she touched an apple.

She immediately looked down at her pocket. When she saw what was inside, her body suddenly trembled and subconsciously stepped back several steps.

"How could it be?"

She turned pale because she could see clearly that there was a golden apple in her pocket!

And this golden apple, a few minutes ago, was still on the power tree.

Isn't it taken by Lin Fei?

"Why am I here?"

In a trance, she thought of what Lin Fei said when she left yesterday, "I'll send you a power fruit.".

At first, I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect that he did it.

"Doesn't he need it?"

Matchless sword Ji fell into meditation: "the power fruit is so precious, why can he give it up to me?"

"Is it because he has reached the peak that he doesn't need it?"

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