"Oh, yes." Lin Fei seemed to think of something and said, "you're an S-level ability here. Do you know where there are powerful monsters?"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the eyes of the broken God fangs suddenly brightened.

Just now he was still thinking about how to try to find out Lin Fei's strength, but he didn't expect that the rally would be delivered to his door.

He laughed and said, "yes."

"Where is it?" Lin Fei's eyes brightened.

"It's not very far from here." He pointed to a direction and said, "if you go 20 miles there, you will see a big mountain, which is occupied by a mutant monster."

"Can it talk?" Lin Fei added.

"Yes." "Its strength is very strong, even I have to deal with it carefully. What are you going to do?" said the fangs

"Go and ask some questions." Lin Fei said with a smile, "thank you very much. If you have time, please have a meal."

Then turn around and leave.

As if just like, suddenly disappeared from the original place, as if just did not exist.

A sneer appeared on the face of the broken God fangs.

"That's a good trick."

At this time, Lin Fei has returned to the villa.

"Where is the man just now?" Seeing Lin Fei come back alone, the girl couldn't help asking. She hated the man just now because she came uninvited.

"I left him in the suburbs." "But I got a message from him that there are powerful talking monsters in the mountains in the suburbs," Lin said

The girl immediately understood Lin Fei's meaning and said, "shall we start now?"


Lin Fei picked up the girl and went back to the place where he had just thrown down the fangs. Then he looked for him in the direction that the fangs pointed to.

Twenty Li is not far away, and it is also a big mountain, which makes it easier to find. In a few blinks of an eye, Lin Fei and the girl found the mountain.

I want to find the monster in the air.

As a result, the monster did not find it. Instead, it found an unexpected person.

He found that on the mountainside, several soldiers were speeding through. One of them was carried on his back and seemed to be injured.

"Maybe they know where the monster is." Lin Fei murmured and went down with her.


When you see Lin Fei and the girl, several soldiers are nervous at once, the laser gun in his hand points at Lin Fei.

"Don't be nervous." Lin Fei said he had no hostility.

Several soldiers still did not let down their vigilance.

"Captain, are these two people illusions made by the monster?" A soldier whispered.

The soldier and Lin looked at each other and understood why.

Lin Fei looked at the soldier on his back. He looked very young, but his face turned white and his body was still shaking.

There was a huge cut in his soldier's uniform, and there was a lot of blood.

It looks very bad.

If we don't take some measures now, we can't go back to the rally.

"Don't worry."

Lin Fei said, "we are not the illusion created by that monster, but just people who happen to pass by."

"If you meet me, you can only say that he should not die."

He took out disinfectant from his pocket, and then took out gauze and bandage.

Several soldiers looked at the scene, their faces full of shock.

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