You should know that disinfectant water and gauze, these medical tools, are very rare, even the assembly hospital is very rare.

As a result, the man in front of him directly took out these things from his pocket!


The guns in their hands are getting tighter.

"Absolutely hallucination." The captain said seriously, this is the end of the world, how can anyone have these precious things.

Even if you really have it, you don't have to give it to someone you don't know!

How dare you say it's not an illusion?

Lin Fei had no choice but to look at the people in front of him calmly and said, "your wounded person is going to die."

Several people looked back at the young man.

His back is dripping with blood, until now the blood is still dripping, looking at is really not going to work.


The young man slowly opened his eyes. His face was white and frightening.

He said, "if I die, you remember to tell my mother that I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean to...

leave this sentence and he fainted.

"Don't sleep!"

The captain quickly held the young man in his arms and roared, "don't sleep here!"

Lin Fei looked at the scene in front of him and said, "now come and take these things. He is still alive. Do you want to kill him yourself?"

The captain suddenly raised his head and looked at what Lin Fei had in his hand. Finally, without any hesitation, he rushed over and took away the medical props in Lin Fei's hand.


At this time, the rest of the talent rushed to help.

Lin Fei and the girl walked slowly past.

He did not have any antipathy and repulsion to these soldiers. The reason why they were alert to themselves was that they had been cheated by monsters before.

And why are they here?

Lin Fei can think of it with his toes, either to seek information or to destroy the enemy.

Several soldiers detoxified the young man with bandages and managed to stop the bleeding.

The Captain stood up and said, "thank you very much."

He said with some embarrassment: "just misunderstood you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to give you an apology."


Lin Fei laughed and said, "I just happened to come here."

He wanted to ask the captain if he had seen the monster, but he didn't speak. Suddenly, there was a strange wind.

"It's coming again!"

A soldier cried out in horror.

Lin Fei looked at the others and found that their faces were covered with fear.

"Let's go."

When the captain saw the strange wind, his face changed and he said in a loud voice, "you go, I'll cover you."

At this time, if you want to stay and cover, you will die.

But he did not hesitate to say: "you two also quickly leave, this mountain has a powerful monster, not ordinary people can cope with it!"

Without any hesitation, the team members picked up the wounded on the ground and left immediately.

It's not because of fear.

It's because they know it.

If this time is further delayed, no one can live, and all will die here!

The captain pushed Lin Fei hard, then picked up the long gun, and kept shooting at the darkness in the mountains.


He growled loudly.

"What did we do wrong?"

"Why is there such a devil?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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