"This is the most terrifying and evil devil I have ever seen

Dada -

bullets roar, but all disappear in the dark.


He cried out, "where the hell are you?"

"What do we have to do to save us?"


The gun was overloaded, and finally he couldn't shoot a bullet. In the face of the monster that human could not resist, he was still afraid.

Because that's human nature.

It is just like thousands of years ago, when faced with irresistible disasters, human beings still knelt on the ground and prayed for God's forgiveness.

But like thousands of years ago, God did not help.

Not now.

From the beginning, human beings can only rely on themselves.


A gust of black wind blowing, you can see a human zombie appear out of thin air, it is not tall, but the muscle is very developed, at the same time, the eyes twinkle with terrible red light.

"Hahaha --"

it said with a smile, "it's no use asking for mercy."

"Because you have been abandoned by the gods, you have only one way to die!"

The captain watched the monster step by step in despair.

Pa Pa!

At this time, his shoulder was patted twice. He was shocked, looked back, and then froze.

Because he saw Linfei.

"Didn't I let you go?" He cried.

"I'm sorry, but I came here today to find this monster." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"What?" The captain was stunned.

The monster stopped.

"Come to me?" "Die?" the monster said with a smile

"Are you crazy?" The captain looked at Lin Fei and exclaimed, "you can't be its opponent. This is a monster. It can create illusions."

Lin Fei just a faint smile, from the captain side walked in the past, head also did not return to the monster walked in the past.


The monster said with a smile, "then you will sink into your own fantasy."

When the voice dropped, he saw the red light in the monster's eyes, which turned into a lamp.

But this ability has no use for Linfei.

Because Linfei is invincible.

When the monster saw that Lin Fei was still safe and sound, he frowned and felt that there was something wrong with him?

"Your fancy moves are of no use to me." Lin Fei said.

The monster was startled.

Because this proves that Lin Fei has no illusion!

"It's impossible, just like human beings, how can we ignore the power given to me by the gods!" The monster screamed in horror.


Lin Fei's eyes brightened, and he stepped up to the monster and said, "have you seen the gods?"

Because Lin Fei's speed is too fast, so the monster was scared.

It's like the fangs of the broken God were scared.

But the monster quickly reacts, seizing the opportunity and making a lightning strike.


The monster patted Lin Fei's head directly, trying to kill him.



With a dull noise, the monster's hand whirled and flew out.

"Let's be honest."

Lin Fei murmured and took another hand, cutting off the other hand of the monster.

In order to prevent the monster from escaping, he kicked the monster's legs.


Just for a moment, the monster knelt in front of Lin Fei, and his body was shaking.

Its face was full of fear.

It looked up at Linfei, it was like seeing the devil, this human too terrible?

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