"No, you won't die here."

At this time, Lin Fei's voice sounded behind him, making the Lord of the fire stunned.

Before he could recover.


A huge flame tornado passed by the fire Lord, and the several wild oxen that rushed to hit the flame directly and turned into ashes on the spot.

The tornado made of flame rushed to the sky and exploded with a roar. It was like fireworks. It was very beautiful.

It was not until then that the Lord of fire turned stiffly.

Sure enough, I saw the familiar figure again!


He always thought that he had become stronger and could fight with Lin Fei and get the title back.

But now I understand.

It's impossible.

He almost died in the hands of these strengthened bulls. They were so vulnerable in front of Lin Fei. They were just like pieces of paper in the fire!

What kind of strength is this?

The master of the fire looked at Lin Fei and asked, "are you really just a S-class?"

Lin Fei looked at the master of the fire inexplicably. How could he suddenly ask this question, but he still said to the truth: "yes, it used to be E-class."

"Grade E!"

The master of the fire couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and was shocked: "did you directly change from e to s?"

Lin Fei nodded.

The Lord of the fire was shocked. In fact, he began to doubt life a little now, and felt that the whole world had become incomparably strange.

An E-class as ordinary people turned into S-class!

What's more, it's still such a powerful S-class!

"You are so much stronger than me." The Lord of fire was finally discouraged and said, "I lost."

Lin Fei doesn't understand.

What do you want to lose?

I don't seem to be competing with him?

But it's not the time to talk about it. Lin Fei looks at the master of the fire and asks, "have you found the matchless swordswoman and the survivors?"

The master of the fire was stunned and said, "I saw the matchless sword girl, but what ghost is the survivor?"

"Well?" Lin Fei frowned: "that you lead the way, we go to save matchless sword Ji."

The Lord of the fire didn't think much about it, and he was really trying to save Wushuang Jianji, but he didn't expect to beat those bulls.

Because of the solution of a few cattle, there is no obstruction along the way, the Lord of fire smoothly took Lin Fei to the cave.

"She's in there."

The Lord of fire led the way ahead. The three men did not go far when they saw the matchless swordswoman who was still in a coma.

"Well?" Lin Fei felt more and more strange: "isn't it said that Wushuang Jianji was seriously injured?"

Looking around with perspective, he did not see anyone else, so he said, "is it not said that there is a survivor trapped together with the matchless sword girl?"


The Lord of fire looked strange and said, "who told you that?"

"Yes..." Lin Fei suddenly said something, looked at the girl and said, "what's the name of that man?"

"Breaking the fangs." The girl said faintly: "the most powerful one in e city."

"Not good!"

Hearing this, the face of the Lord of the flame suddenly changed and said, "you have been cheated."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei is puzzled.

"The fangs are traitors." The Lord of the fire said, "the matchless sword girl was caught by him. I followed him."

"Wushuang Jianji was knocked unconscious by him, and those wild cattle just now were sent out by the broken God fangs!"

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