He looked at Lin Fei seriously and said, "you are all cheated!"

After hearing this, Lin Fei was silent for a moment. Finally, he looked at the master of the fire seriously and asked, "is there really no other survivor?"

"No The Lord of fire shakes his head.

"That's not true!"

Lin Fei was angry: "dare to cheat me with a beautiful woman. I'll go to find him. I'll give him ashes!"


The girl always feels that Lin Fei's words are strange.


Lin Fei picked up the girl, jumped up and disappeared in the sky.

Leave the Lord of the flame gaping.

"Worge, you can fly Before, he was shocked by Lin Fei's strength, but now he is afraid.

What kind of strength is this?

A move to kill several days to strengthen the bull, but also fly!

"Is he a God?" The Lord of fire is talking to himself: "this force is absolutely God!"

In the heart suddenly felt a little lucky: "fortunately, before did not look for him to fight alone, otherwise absolutely can't live today, can a slap even ash have not."

And this is the moment.

Under the leadership of wind no trace and broken God fangs, the corpse tide finally arrived at the gate of the assembly.

More than 100000 zombies.

Looking down from the city wall, it seems that there is no end to the sea. Many soldiers on the wall feel weak legs when they see it, because there are too many zombies.

And since the third earth change, zombies have become more and more powerful, laser guns are difficult to produce effect.

Looking at more than 100000 zombies in front of you, how do you fight?

There are only a few thousand of them, only tens of thousands of ammunition.

As for the powers, there are only a few hundred that can take them.

And that corpse tide, at random look can find S-level monster, this is impossible to resist!

Originally, people lived happily in the assembly.

Only at this moment did they recall the fear of being chased by zombies!

"Are there two people at the forefront of the corpse tide?"

All of a sudden, someone noticed that there seemed to be two men coming with corpses in the front.

It's close.

At last, they could not help but take a breath.

"It's them

They can see clearly that the two people walking in the front are the wind without trace and the broken God fangs.


When the two men's faces were clearly seen, many people's faces were pale and their legs were soft.

Wind without trace, broken God fangs are the pillars of their hearts, because these two are the strongest in e city, but now they are betrayed.

Their spiritual support collapsed, and many of them could not resist the idea of resistance.

Watching the tide of corpses approaching.

Despair and uneasiness were creeping through the assembly.

The city wall, which is more than ten meters high, seems to be very tall, but in front of the more than 100000 corpses, it is still too small.

The whole city wall was quiet, and no one dared to speak. Every time the tide of corpses went further, it was like stepping on their hearts.

Plop -

finally someone couldn't bear it. They knelt on the ground and yelled at the sky.

"God, help us."

And with the beginning of a person, others can no longer control, one after another knelt down.

"God, please help us!"

It's getting louder and louder.

"It's ridiculous."

Standing in the front of the corpse tide, the wind has no trace. Listening to these sounds, I just feel comfortable all over.

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