The girl knew that Lin Fei was not simple. She could break a man's arm in an instant, but it was too far to defeat the monster.

That monster can tear people apart in an instant!

At this moment, she was thinking about how to escape.

But at this time, Lin Fei suddenly stood up. He took a look at the big pot outside the balcony. The boiling water was boiling inside.

"The water is boiling."

He looked at the girl and said, "you're going to have a hot bath."

He took towels and buckets from his backpack, as well as shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush and toothpaste.

This again makes the girl silly, that small backpack, in the end, how to put this pile of strange things?


he was lost in thought.

In the clothing city before, he only took some men's clothes, not a woman's clothes.

"Put on my clothes first." He took out his clothes and trousers and handed them to the girl.

It seems that the girl is fifteen or sixteen years old. She can only get to her chest by standing up. Her clothes should fit her well.

"I'll take you to get your clothes tomorrow." He said.

After thinking about it, he added, "you lead the way."

Lin Fei thought, forgive oneself really is a road crazy, even to the road to Yi city also to forget.

The girl carried a pile of things into the bathroom.

Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, clean clothes and towels, these are the things we can't imagine after the end of the world.

Lin Fei gave it to himself so casually.

You said you're going to take yourself to get your clothes tomorrow?

She suspected it was a dream.

The girl stayed in the bathroom for a long time. It was already dark. The room and bathroom were dark. Lin Fei took it out of her backpack and lit the room.

"It's kind of like a blackout." Lin Fei thought.

Kera -

the door of the bathroom opened, and the girl came out of the bathroom. By candlelight, Lin Fei looked at the girl, and his heart jumped.

Before her face was dirty, Lin Fei thought that if she washed her cheeks, she would be lovely.

As a result, the girl now has long hair and shoulders. She is beautiful and beautiful, and the candle light is shining. The girl in front of her seems to come out of the painting.

Ye Yuxue finds that Lin Fei is staring at himself and unconsciously lowers his head.

In the past, when in school, many people like to stare at themselves.

Lin Fei came back to his senses and said, "you are very cute."

It made the girl blush.

He took his clothes and took a bath in the bathroom. He had a hot bath for a long time. Last night, he was in cold water.

After taking a bath, Lin Fei brought his chair and sat down on the balcony. He boiled water to make a pot of jasmine tea and looked at the night scene below.

Where is the night view now?

Lin Fei is sitting here because of boredom. On the other hand, he wants to blow dry his hair and sleep.

The mobile phone has no signal. If you want to play some online games, you can't do it. You're tired of playing stand-alone games.


The girl also moved a chair and sat beside it.

"Tea?" Lin Fei asked.

The girl nodded. It was a little cold at night. Drinking some hot tea could warm the body, and jasmine tea could help sleep.

Now, her heart is struggling.

Do you want to run?

In the last three months, no one had ever been so nice to her.

It was the first time for her to wash in hot water or to have a hot and sumptuous dinner for the first time.

And it's the first time I've been sitting on the balcony drinking tea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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