She thinks it's not the end of the world.

It's a vacation.

"My name is Lin Fei." Lin Fei suddenly said that when he asked the girl's name in the restaurant, he had not reported his name.

The girl nodded.

Then she suddenly asked, "can you really protect me?"

Lin Fei took a sip of tea and said, "as long as you listen to me, I can protect you from injury."

The girl was silent.

Now I think it's worth dying in it.

Tonight, the memory is wonderful.

Their hair dried and their tea was gone. It was time to go to bed. The girl was pretty red, as if she had thought of something.

In the end of the world, hotel rooms, lonely men and few women...

"I'll sleep on the sofa." Said the girl at once.

Lin Fei looked at her and said, "are you stupid? There are soft fragrant big bed do not sleep, want to sleep that narrow and hard sofa

Ye Yuxue is speechless.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Fei changed all the sheets on the bed, and then took out the clean sheets from his backpack and spread them neatly. Only then did he smile.

The girl looked at this scene.

She didn't know how many times she felt this backpack was amazing.

It's like a treasure bag. Anything can be taken out.

The girl stopped talking. She was really curious. Why is this backpack so magical? Others can't take it, can't open it, but Lin Fei is easy.

"Very short."

Lin Fei seemed to see through what she was thinking and said, "as long as you compress things with great strength, you can put them in."

"As for why I can lift it, it's because I'm strong."

Ye Yu rolled his eyes when he was snowing.

Believe it, you have a ghost.

"Go to bed." Lin Fei said, and lay down on the bed, the mattress soft as if to melt people.

The girl climbed into bed nervously.

If Lin Fei wants to do something to her, is it obedience? Or resistance? Or a symbolic revolt?

As a result, before she could think of the answer, she heard the sound of sleeping breath coming from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei has been busy all day today, and has been sleepy for a long time.

That night, Lin Fei had a dream.

I live alone in the end of the world. When I pass the bridge to city B, the river under the bridge suddenly boils.


There was a big bang.

A huge tentacle, straight into the sky, as if to pierce the sky.

Then the tentacle hit Lin Fei fiercely.

Lin Fei's eyes congealed and he punched.


Another big bang.

Lin Fei even felt a huge force attack, he was hard to stop, directly hit fly out.

You can't stop it if you kill or invincible?

and just then as like as two peas of tentacles, he was tied up and set in the air.


Lin Fei woke up.

He saw that he was bound up.

The girl is like a fish catcher. She holds herself firmly, and the quilt is kicked aside by her...

"it's you. You are young, and your sleeping appearance is so ugly."

Lin Fei reached out and pulled her down to get breakfast.

There's no kitchen. Breakfast can only be made simple, with some oatmeal and two dry breads.

Before long, the girl woke up.

She smelled the fragrance of oats, and immediately got up from the bed. She saw Lin Fei sitting at the guest table. She believed it was not a dream.

"Brush your teeth, eat breakfast." Lin Fei said, "take your clothes and we'll start." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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