Ye Yuxue: "is this man sick?

But this is dirty words, children can't say nonsense, the girl looked at the light master seriously and said: "thank you for your kindness, but I already have someone I like."


The Lord of light frowned slightly and said, "who is it?"

The girl looked at Lin Fei.

"It's you." The master of light looked at Lin Fei, and now he finally understood why this man would follow him. It turned out that he was binglingrose's boyfriend.

He looked at Lin Fei and asked, "what's your name?"

Lin Fei: "suddenly, I don't know what to say. I just want to know whether this person has a problem with his skull.

"My name is Lin Fei." He said again.

"Lin Fei." The master of light read for a while, then said: "now you can go, from now on, cold rose is my woman."

He looked at the girl again and said, "although you are not famous, you are not worthy of me, but I can help you with this."

"As long as you always follow me and finish some difficult tasks with me, you will be famous in the world soon."

"Then you will be worthy of me."

Young girl:...

Lin Fei:...

at the same time, they realized a fatal problem, that is, the absolute brain problem of the master of light, and it has reached the point of hopelessness!

"I have no interest in fame." The girl said seriously: "it's very interesting to wander around the world with Lin Fei. You are a good man. You can find a better one."

The second good man card.

The smile on the master of light's face solidified. He said, "do you want to wander around with him, and you don't want to have a stable home?"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you are safe or not." Ye Yuxue said with a faint smile: "for me, what really matters is... Who are the people around me."

"Even if I don't feel happy with him, I'll be happy with him."

"And if it's you, I can't laugh even if you have golden mountains and silver mountains and don't worry about eating and drinking."

Lin Fei looked at the girl and was moved.

To be honest, it is the first time that someone has said such a thing in front of himself.

The Lord of light stopped this, and his face became a little ugly.

Being rejected twice in a row, maybe others can bear it, but he can't, because he knows who he is, the master of light, the strongest person in F City!

He looked at the girl and said, "woman, don't be ungrateful."

Then his eyes fell on Lin Fei's body and said, "at noon the day after tomorrow, I will fight with you in front of the meeting. The winner will stay, and the loser will leave F City."

Lin Fei was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded seriously and said, "yes."

"That's it. I'll see you at noon the day after tomorrow." Lin Fei said, "you can rest assured that I will arrive. I won't goo, I won't goo."

The master of light stares at Lin Fei. He always feels that something is wrong, but he can't find the problem.

Lin Fei left with the girl.

"Why did you promise him?" The girl did not understand.

"Goo Goo, it's done." Lin Fei said, "I promised him on the surface first, and then I cooed him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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