The girl was very curious: "goo, what does he mean? What do you mean by Goo Goo

"Goo Goo is a wonderful creature." Lin Fei said: "Gu Gu Gu is Gu Gu Gu. As soon as she appears, there will be various accidents, such as traffic jams, stomachache, loose shoelaces...

" so terrible? " The girl looked scared.

"I won't be able to fight him at that time anyway." Lin Fei said with a smile.

The girl didn't want Lin Fei to fight the master of light, so she didn't say anything now.

In a twinkling of an eye comes the day after tomorrow.

This morning, Lin Fei's card vibrated because he received a message.

Take it out and have a look. It's from my old hair.

"One important material is missing. Come on." With such a short sentence, Lin Fei immediately left the hotel with the girl.

As for the confrontation with the Lord of light, he had long forgotten.

He didn't pay attention to such boring things.

And what's important about a transmitter?

So at noon that day, the wall of the rally was full of people, all looking at the figure on the open space.

That's the Lord of light.

Today, he is still handsome and extraordinary, and his temperament is extremely complex, like a mixture of various temperament, but in those gentle and handsome, he has his own unique ethereal and handsome!

Just standing there makes countless women's hearts sprout and makes countless men feel ashamed.

"It's said that the male gods are going to duel with people?"

"Yes, with a man named Linfei S-class, although he is also very handsome, but I think my male god is more handsome!"

"This is Lin Fei's tragedy. He even provoked the master of light. He is the strongest in F City."

"According to the information I got, this Lin Fei just came to F City. I didn't expect that he would offend such a strong person when he just came here."

People have a lot of discussion, no one is optimistic about Lin Fei.

Because they know that the master of light is powerful, and he controls the power of light. When he makes a move, the light is dazzling. It is just like the gods from all over the world. It is so holy that people dare not look directly at it.

And who is Lin Fei?

"Just came to s class, and even do not have the title, how to fight with the master of light?"

"A name can represent a person's identity. He doesn't have a name, but he's just an inferior S-level. The master of light can kill him with his fingers."

The masters of light stand in the distance and hear their voices clearly.

He is thinking of what way to use, in front of the girl will be Ye Feng defeated.

A direct slap?

Or a punch? Or a foot?

Then they waited until noon, the sun was shining, and the people were sweating on the wall.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't Lin Fei arrived yet?"

"Don't you dare to come?"

"Didn't he promise to come down? How can he renege?"

The more the Lord of light waited, the more ugly his face became. As the sun began to set in, he realized that he had been pigeoned.

Lin Fei is just playing with him.

Or, the one who played the whole rally!

When everyone thought he would come to fight, he didn't show up and stood up all the people!

"It's shameless to stand up!"

The people on the city wall also gradually reacted and realized that they had been fooled.

"I've wasted so much time!"

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