Listening to Lin Fei's words, the old man was shaking with anger.

"I don't know what to tell you."

He pointed to Lin Fei and said, "sooner or later you will be killed by your arrogance."

Drop this sentence, turn around and go.

"I am so disappointed in you that you are not qualified or worthy to be my apprentice." His voice came from afar, with great anger: "I really misread you."

Lin Fei looks indifferent.

Because for a long time, he did not want to be the old man's Apprentice.

Who has the right to teach himself?

He did not take this matter to heart, but took the girl back to the hotel. According to old Zhang, Lin Fei could get the transmitter as early as tomorrow.

"It's a big step closer to home building." Lin Fei is in a good mood.

"Not good."

But at this time, the girl ran out of the kitchen and quickly handed the card to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took a look at the card and found that there was a notice on it.

"Linfei, run away without fighting."

Lin Feidian went in to have a look. It seemed to be a piece of news. It said that Lin Feige had done everything for everyone.

"Why don't you dare to fight the Lord of light? Is it because Linfei is not an S-level ability at all? "

"How did he become an s-Power? The back door? "

All sorts of speculation in the news.

The spearhead points at Lin Fei's strength, why dare not fight with the master of light? Because the strength is not enough, because he is not a real S-class.

"It's so misleading." Lin Fei sighed: "I haven't even made a move, so I just said I'm not an S-level ability."

At this time, he understood why the old man said that the Lord of light was the master of F City.

"Powerful, you can really do whatever you want." "If only I were as famous as he was," sighed Lin Fei

"This is not the time to sigh." The girl said anxiously, "what should we do?"

"The Lord of light is the strongest one here, and if it's about him, someone will believe it."

Lin Fei handed the card back to the girl and said, "don't worry."

"These people are boring."

In his eyes, what the Lord of light is doing now is as childish as that of a three-year-old.

He's too lazy to go out and prove himself.

The girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but since it was Lin Fei's decision, she could not say anything more.

As a result, Lin Fei did not respond, which led to more and more people believing what was said in the news.

"Does Lin Fei really have no S-level power?"

"If he really has S-level power, why not come forward and respond positively?"

"He hasn't appeared up to now. Is he right by the news?"

"It must have been said."

"The Lord of light has seen through him for a long time, so to expose him in such a way is really well intentioned."

More and more people think that Lin Fei is a fake S-level ability.

The next day, Lin Fei received a message.

A message from the guild: "please come to the guild at noon and perform the power test again."

Lin Fei is speechless.

This news is almost a kind of announcement, which has been received by many people, including girls.

When she woke up and saw such news, the girl's face was cold.

"They went too far."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Fei was indifferent and said, "to be honest, I miss the days when I was a little bit E-class. I don't have so many things now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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