"No way." The girl said seriously: "you must go to the guild at noon today. I can't let others doubt you like this."

Lin Fei looked at the serious girl and couldn't help but smile and agreed to come down.

Results just after breakfast, Lin Fei received another news.

It's an old hair.

"There's one last thing missing from the carousel. Come on

Seeing that it was about the conveyor, Lin Fei immediately got up and set off with the girl.

Lin Fei quickly found old man Zhang and asked, "what's missing?"

"The core."

Zhang old man's face is dignified, say: "this transmission dish still lacks an energy core."

"Energy core, where to get it?" Lin Fei asked.

"Some advanced monsters may be born out of the body..." old man Zhang said seriously.

"Do you know where there are powerful monsters?"

Lin Fei realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to create a transmission tray while searching for divine information.

"There are some." The old man handed the board to Lin Fei, but this time it recorded the location of some powerful monsters instead of the parts.

"I'll be right back." Lin Fei left this sentence and immediately turned to leave.


He carried the girl in his arms for supersonic flight, and there was a constant boom in the air.

Boom -

in the urban area, a building slowly collapsed.

The three figures rolled out of the smoke.

Boom boom boom boom

the heavy footstep sound came slowly from the smoke, getting closer and closer, as if a series of sultry thunder.

Three people immediately got up from the ground, looking at the thick smoke in panic.

They were dressed in rags and with blood on the corners of their mouths. It was obvious that they had just experienced a fierce battle.

"How could such a powerful monster suddenly appear here?" They were pale because they had just seen something that made them despair.

It's a humanoid monster.

Hoo -

a gust of wind blows, and the smoke of gunpowder disappears, and a tall blue figure appears in front of the three people.

This is the monster that beat them.

The monster is a little bigger than a man, muscular, blue skin, big eyes, black teeth and two sharp corners on its head.

It's like a devil coming out of hell!

"How can such a devil win?" Watching the monster approaching step by step, the three of them retreated uncontrollably.


The monster's face with a banter smile, looking at the three people in front of him, as if looking at three ants.

There are white electro-optic condensation on the two horns of its head.

"Get out of the way!"

A scream.


The electric light splits out and passes by the three people, hitting a building dozens of meters away.

Boom -

the bottom of the building exploded on the spot, and then slowly collapsed, filled with smoke.

"How powerful is it to destroy a big man with one blow?"

"Even if you're an S-level ability, you may not be able to do it!"

"Three of us are only A-level, why do we encounter such a powerful monster?"

A young man looked up to the sky and cried, "who will help us?"


The monster's horns, once again electric light condensation.

However, this time, before the monster split the lightning, the monster suddenly disappeared!

Disappeared out of thin air!

Then there was a series of explosions carrying a strong wind, blowing three young people back with their faces. It was like a ten level gale!

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