"Or from the monster body, I don't know if you use it, there will be gods side effects."

The girl nodded her head cleverly.

Lin Fei put the crystal in his pocket, and Lin Fei said, "go, go back and give the core to old man Zhang."

Back at the top of the mountain, it's already evening.

"Mr. Zhang, I brought you something." Lin Fei gives the things to old man Zhang.

"Such a big core?" Old Zhang's eyes were wide, and his face was shocked to take the red crystal.

He said excitedly, "this is the first time I have seen such a big crystal."

Then old Zhang immediately said, "you can rest assured that I can make things for you the day after tomorrow."

"Then trouble." Lin Fei smiles.

He left with the girl and went back to prepare some things, so that when he came to take things the day after tomorrow, he would give them to old Zhang.

After all, they worked hard to make their own conveyor.

And at this time.

A tall humanoid monster was walking back and forth in front of the city gate.

"Why so long?" The monster frowned. It was the so-called big brother and was waiting for the monster to arrive.

"Its strength is only below me, the peak of S-level, even if it is the master of light, it may not be its opponent, so it can be much easier to have it to participate in the war."

It's just that I didn't see anyone until it was dark.

"Why not?"

"Is there an accident?"

It does not understand, with each other's strength and skill, who can kill it?

Not even the Lord of light.

"No more." It frowned and said, "if you have it, it will be easier. If you don't, you can smooth the meeting."

"Plan as usual."

Then the figure of the monster slowly disappeared into the darkness.

In a twinkling of an eye, it will come the day after tomorrow.

Lin Fei was waiting for the news from the old man, waiting from morning to noon, and then from noon to afternoon. As a result, he did not receive any news.

"Something's wrong." Lin Fei feels strange.

"Let's go to see old Zhang. Maybe there's something wrong with him." He let the girl stay, then he left the hotel and flew towards the hill.

Back at the top of the mountain again, Lin Fei immediately finds that the atmosphere is not right.

The little tree beside the house was broken.

It looks like it was burned?

"Someone's here to sabotage?" Lin Fei frowned and saw that the conveyor tray was about to be finished. Don't have an accident at this point.

He immediately pushed the door in and found old man Zhang sitting on the stool with a dispirited face.

"Old Zhang, are you ok?" Lin Fei immediately asked.

"It's OK." Old man Zhang has a weak look.

"What's the matter with you now?" Lin Fei didn't understand and said, "it's just like someone who just lost love."

"The tray I promised you is gone." The old man sighed and said, "I'm sorry."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei said, "manufacturing failed?"

"That's OK. I have all the materials anyway."

The old man said something unexpected.

"Your teleport has been taken away by the Lord of light."

Lin Fei: "silence for a long time.

"I see."

He instantly understood who had burned the small tree outside the door and was the master of light.

"Wait a minute. I'll get the tray back and you'll teach me how to use it." Then he turned and left.

"Don't be kidding." Old man Zhang said, "that's the master of light, the strongest in F City. You can't be his opponent."

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