"Maybe some things, you can be fierce, but more things, even if you put your life, you can't change anything."

"The Lord of light is invincible."

Zhang old man's words with deep helplessness.

Lin Fei stopped and said, "invincible?"

"I'll let him know what it means to be truly invincible."

Lin Fei is still a little angry in the end. Before spreading rumors, Lin Fei didn't care and didn't care. Unexpectedly, he rubbed his nose and face to grab his own things.

Is that tolerable?

"His parents didn't discipline him well. Today, I interrupted him with my hands."

Leaving this sentence, Lin Fei walked out of the door.


If you want to go straight to the meeting, it must be easy to find him.

But as soon as he got over the rally, he saw a wave of corpses.

Zombies are coming!

There were many people standing on the wall, and dozens of figures were fighting under the wall.

There are only a few S-level powers, and more are A-level and B-level powers.

Lin Fei just took a casual look and saw the old man. He was fighting against two strong bulls by himself, but he couldn't fight, and he was defeated.

I also saw the zombie in charge of the corpse tide.

It is indeed a bit similar to the zombie I met two days ago. Lin Fei knew that this zombie must know the news from the gods.

Write it down in secret.

Finally found the master of light!

He's fighting three fortified bulls and two parasites.

Worthy of being the strongest in F City, he still calmly copes with the five headed S-class monsters.

He has the light attribute ability, so it is very fast. He can turn into light in an instant, disappear from this side and appear on the other side.

"I found you." Lin Fei murmured and rushed straight down.

"Lord of light, come on, blow them up!"

"God, you are the most powerful!"

"I'm going to give you a monkey!"

The walls were full of cheers, and in their eyes the Lord of light was invincible.

But at this time, a flaming fire came from the sky.

"What is that?"

In a moment, all the people stopped, staring at the flame falling down.

In the light of the fire, even the zombies stopped and looked up.

The master of light found that the fire was falling towards him. He immediately turned into light and disappeared and appeared a hundred meters away.


The fire fell down hard and fell on the place where the light dominated the fight. The flame instantly devoured five powerful S-level monsters.

"What's going on?" Everyone was nervous and felt that there was something wrong with the flame.

At this time, the flame gradually dispersed.

A figure appeared in front of the crowd.

And those five S-level monsters, have turned into coke, blown by the wind, collapsed.

"It's him!"

When you see the person in the fire, people on the wall are stunned, because no one thought that Lin Fei would suddenly appear here.

"Isn't he a bubbly S-class? How could it be so? "

They've got a little bit of a reaction in their heads, but they can't.

Because Lin Fei seems to have disappeared for a period of time. In their eyes, Lin Fei ran away because he was exposed by the master of light.

But now, they saw Lin Fei.

From the sky, kill five powerful S-level monsters with one stroke and a second!

At this time, Lin Fei looked up at the master of light, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that your power can escape, but it's very fast."

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