Before he got up, Lin Fei appeared in front of him.

"You've lost." Lin Fei said, "you can tell me the news."

"How did I lose?"

The monster was stunned: "when did you do it?"

Linfei and it said: "just now I approached you with the speed of tens of times the speed of sound, and then hit you, you lost."

"Dozens of times the speed of sound?"


Everyone who heard this froze.

What kind of speed does this have to be?

What's more, without any acceleration, the explosion from zero to tens of times the speed of sound is too terrible, it's unscientific.

"I lost." The monster sighs, ready to tell the news about the gods.

At this time, Lin Fei started perspective and was on guard. If the God dares to come back, he will definitely beat it.

And when the monster just wanted to open his mouth, it suddenly stares round eyes and looks at Lin Fei's back in horror.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei used super speed, turned around suddenly, and saw a translucent figure. Then he used a blow to destroy and hit a punch.


There was a loud noise, and the space exploded.


Lin Fei behind the monster, the head suddenly burst, but he in front of the void also splashed a bunch of gold blood, scattered all over the ground, risking the breath of heat.

He could see clearly that figure was running fast.

"It's quite fast." Lin Fei sneered: "you dare to stop me next time."

"In that sentence, let me catch you and beat you first."

At this time, a streamer swept out of the assembly and fell in front of Lin Fei. It was the master of light who just took back the tray.

He shook the plate back to Lin Fei.

"Just one plate?" Lin Fei took it and asked, "do you have anything else?"


The Lord of light is now like a child who has made a mistake. The atmosphere is afraid to come out.

"It's OK to admit your mistake. I'll let you off this time." Lin Fei left this sentence, turned around and flew away.


Seeing the moment when Lin Fei left, the master of light could not bear it any more and fainted directly.

The rest of the zombies, seeing that the leaders had been killed, immediately made a mess, turned around and ran away, for fear of a second terrible human from the assembly.

Lin Fei took the tray and left and went back to the hotel room.

"There seems to be a wave of corpses." The girl immediately came up and said.

"The leader of the corpse tide has just died. The corpse tide should disperse." "What we need to do now is to learn how to use this conveyor," Lin said

In his hand, is a washbasin size of the blue conveyor plate, 10 cm thick, feel a hundred pounds of weight.

Unfortunately, Linfei can't use it.

"Go and teach old Zhang." Said the girl.

"Well." Lin Fei nodded and said, "so I came back to see you. Let's go together."

They soon arrived at the top of the mountain.

The old man was still sitting on the stool.

"Old man Zhang, cheer up." Lin Fei said with a smile, "I took the tray back, and taught you a lesson about the master."


As soon as old man Zhang looked up, as expected, he saw the familiar transmission tray, and was immediately stunned.

"Did you really get it back?" Shocked.

"Simple." Lin Fei said with a smile, "teach me how to use this thing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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