Old Zhang was still wondering why Lin Fei could take the tray back from the master of light?

But now it seems that Lin Fei has no intention to say it.

So old man Zhang did not continue to ask.

Instead, he chose to teach Linfei how to use the conveyor.

He first took out a blue remote control the size of a mobile phone, handed it to Lin Fei and said, "this is the remote control, only this one. Don't lose it."

Lin Fei nodded seriously.

There is only one, which can be said to be very precious.

So I tucked it into my pocket.

OK, now there are endless remote controls. I'll give one to the girl later.

"Now teach you how to use it." "See the red button on the remote control?" Mr. Zhang said

"When you press it down, a selection panel will appear, recording the location of your last transfer and the location of all your carousels."

Lin Fei and the girl are listening carefully.

"It's hard to understand that." "Let's go out and put the transmitter on the ground," Mr. Zhang said

The three walked out of the house.

"Gently place the transmitter on the ground." Zhang said seriously.

Listening to the old man Zhang's serious words, Lin Fei was scared to turn off the one hit and one hit destruction. He was afraid that it would be damaged. He gently put the tray on the ground.


I saw that the transmission plate a shock, actually tightly pasted on the ground.

"That's it." Old man Zhang went to the distance and said, "come to me."

Lin Fei and the girl walked over at once.

"Press the button." Old man Zhang said again.

Lin Fei pressed the button, and an interface popped up on the remote control. There was a picture of a conveyor tray on it, with a coordinate beside it.

"If you press and hold, you can change the name of this transport point." "But now, you can click on the coordinates first."

When Linfei points down this coordinate.


Taking Lin Fei as the center, two meters away, a light curtain suddenly appears. At the same time, a protective cover rises from the ground and gradually forms a semicircle structure.

When the protective cover is fully closed, Lin Fei only feels white in front of him.

Half a second later, he could see clearly that there was still that hill. He looked down and saw that his feet were standing on the conveyor plate, with old Zhang and young girl beside him.

"Magic?" Old Zhang is a little proud.

"Wonderful." Lin Fei couldn't help admiring.

"It's not over." Zhang old man face mysterious, said: "you press the remote control again."

When Lin Fei presses the button again, the interface appears again, but this time, a new coordinate selection appears on the coordinates of the conveyor tray.

"Click." Old man Zhang said.

Lin Fei did not hesitate. After a flash of light, he found himself back in the position of the first transmission.

"This Lin Fei realized something.

"That's right." Old man Zhang nodded triumphantly and said, "this is where you sent last time."

"Wonderful." Lin Fei couldn't help clapping.

"That's what the transmitter does." "That's it," said Zhang

"Thank you very much." Lin Fei put away the remote control and took out a bag of things from his backpack.

This is a thank you gift that Lin Fei prepared for old man Zhang two days ago.

There are fresh vegetables, fruits, pork, mutton, and some health products.

When old Zhang saw what was in the bag, his eyes widened. What did he see? Fresh vegetables and meat!

There are even health products!

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