Girl's eyes instantly bright a lot, the eyes seem to be loaded with a starry sky, smile slightly, very good-looking.

"You want to help me?"

As soon as the old man's eyes lit up, he immediately said, "that's really troubling you. After you go out, walk a few hundred meters ahead, and there will be a straight peak, which is Guanxing mountain."

"You must be careful. I'll wait for you at the door."

Lin Fei nodded and left with the girl.

"As soon as I got in, I went out again." Lin Fei sighs.

The girl was smiling and said, "I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to help the old man find his granddaughter."

"When I met him, I gave him a hand." Lin Fei said casually that the road of several hundred meters is not difficult for him.

They didn't meet any zombies along the way.

"Because the Guanxing mountain is very close to the meeting." The girl explained, "it's only a few hundred meters away. There must be a psychic on patrol."

"Go up the mountain road." Lin Fei said, maybe now the little girl is still climbing.

"Let's hurry up."

The girl is more concerned about this matter, she takes Lin Fei to run up the mountain road.

The journey was smooth, and they finally found the little girl halfway up the mountain.

Lin Fei used perspective to see around him. There was no zombie on the mountain. Apparently, the power people in the assembly cleaned up here.

"Little sister."

Ye Yuxue saw the little girl and immediately rushed up.

This is a lovely little girl.

But because she had climbed more than half of the mountain, her face was covered with sweat, and even her clothes were drenched.

Ye Yuxue caught her and said, "do you know your grandfather is worried about you?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, raised her head to look at the girl, and said, "are you grandfather calling for me?"

"But I can't go back now."

"Why?" "Do you know it's dangerous to run out alone?" she said with a straight face


The little girl nodded hard and said, "but I have to go to the top of the mountain."

After that, the little girl continued to walk up. She was very tired and sweating, but she still climbed up with her silver teeth.

"Is there anything on the top of the mountain?" the girl asked

"My grandfather said that if you stand high, you can see far away, and what you say can also spread farther. So I think that if you make a wish on the top of the mountain, the gods will be able to hear it."

Lin Fei has been following. When he hears this, he becomes interested.

It seems to be interesting.

"Then I'll take you up." Said the girl.

"No way." The little girl a face stubborn, said: "must rely on their own strength up, so that it appears their sincerity."

The girl had no choice.

"Why do you believe in gods so much?" The girl followed Lin Fei for a long time and learned a lot. After all, she has been chasing the news of the gods.

"Because grandfather told me a legend."

"What legend?" The girl asked curiously.

The little girl said seriously, "if one day, people see meteors in the daytime, it must be the gods who come down to save the world."

The girl immediately said with a smile, "how could this be possible?"

"You can't see a meteor in the daytime, because the light of a meteor can't compare with the sun."

Finally, half an hour later, the little girl climbed to the top of the mountain.


She knelt directly on the ground, folded her hands, closed her eyes, and slowly made a wish.


"What were you doing at the end of the day? Are you free? Can you come and save us? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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