The little girl kowtowed seriously.

Lin Fei stood beside him and suddenly said, "if you kowtow, the gods still don't come, what should we do?"

"No way."

The little girl said seriously: "grandfather said that the gods are good, if he heard me, he would come to help us."

"If the gods don't appear, it must be because my voice has not been conveyed to the gods..."

Lin Fei said, "I hope so."

Will the gods really come?

A meteor in the daytime.

Can you see meteors in the sky?

Lin Fei naturally doesn't believe these myths because most of them are lies to encourage people.

But now is a little girl, he does not want to expose, white lies, naturally has its significance.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei said, "I should take you back. Your grandfather is still waiting for you at the gate of the meeting."

"OK." The little girl got up from the ground.

But because of climbing a mountain and kneeling for a long time, the little girl just stood up and felt her legs soft and nearly fell down.

Fortunately, Lin Fei caught the little girl.

"You carry me down." Lin Fei was helpless.

Although the little girl's body is full of sweat, but he did not care, the big deal is to wash clean in the evening.

"Thank you, big brother." The little girl said with a smile.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Fei carried the little girl back to the assembly gate.

"Wen Wen!"

Before Lin Fei went to look for the old man, the old man was anxious to find him, calling the little girl's nickname anxiously.

Lin Fei puts the little girl down. After a short rest, she can continue to walk.

"Are you all right? Let grandfather see if there is a zombie? " The old man asked anxiously.

"No, it was safe all the way." Said the little girl.

The old man's eyes fell on Lin Fei again and said gratefully, "thank you very much. You must go to my home and sit down."

Lin Fei wanted to refuse, but he couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the old man, so he and the little girl took him away.

The girl was watching and laughing.

The old man's house is different from that of others. He has a small yard with a big tree in it.

"Sit down." The old man said so and went into the room.

A moment later, he took out an iron box and opened it in front of Lin Fei. There were many dried mangoes in it.

"Eat, we don't have anything good." The old man said with some embarrassment.

He sighed: "this mango is our own plant. Unfortunately, the orchard is in the countryside. Now it may have been destroyed by zombies."

"Zombies are abominable." The little girl echoed: "grandfather's orchard is super big, there are mangoes, apples, cherries, oranges, bananas..."

Lin Fei didn't hear so much because he had been stunned for a long time.


He narrowed his eyes, looked at the old man and asked, "you said you have an orchard?"

"Yes." The old man said, "but that was before the disaster. Now the orchard will be destroyed."

"Where is the orchard?" Lin Fei doesn't think those zombies are boring enough to destroy fruit trees.

He has been looking for saplings.

If you find an orchard now, there will be no saplings, but you can get the growing fruit trees directly!

As long as you take good care of it, you can certainly make it survive.

The next year it will bloom and bear fruit!

Wonderful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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