The ability is evacuated. It's a big event.

"Those monsters, pull the powers into a transparent crystal..."

"they're really terrible."

"They are the most terrifying existence I have ever seen in all myths, legends and stories!"

"Absolutely out of hell."

His body trembled even more.

"Do you remember where the cave is?" the vice president asked in a hurry


the man trembled and said, "it's just thirty miles away from Town God's Temple."

"You don't want to go. They will die. Those monsters are really too powerful. They are demons coming out of hell!"

"Ha ha."

The evil god sneered and said, "it's just a monster. I haven't paid attention to it."

"If it wants to extract my powers, just come and try. I'll let them know how to write dead words."

Then he stood up and turned away: "I'll go first."

"Wait a minute."

At this time, the Vice President stopped the evil god and said, "I have some things to give to you."


the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a staff member came in with a large box.

"Because of the special situation this time, we have something for you." Said the vice president.

He took a black badge out of the box and said, "this is a mini shield that can withstand some injuries and help you in case of danger."

"One more thing, you have to open the team channel. I need to know your situation all the time so that I can support you."

"It's unnecessary." Evil god disdains to say.

Lin Fei is a confused face, quickly asked the girl next to: "what is the team channel?"

"I'll teach you." The girl said and took out her identity card.

Lin Fei realized that the card had the function of calling.

He thought it was just used as an ID card...

Lin Fei sighed in his heart that the technology here is really too developed.

The evil god and the hand of God have also opened the team channel, and vice presidents have also joined the team channel. In this way, even if the five people are far away, they can hear each other's voice.

Lin Fei impatiently tried: "Hello, Hello, can you hear me?"

"Hello, Hello, can you hear me?" ...

the words of Lin Fei were found in the cards of the other four people.

"Wonderful." Lin Fei exclaimed.

The hand of God and the evil god looked at Lin Fei with disgust on his face, then turned around and left.

Girls feel a little embarrassed.

Why is such a strong person, but a pair of do not understand what, what are curious appearance?

"You must be careful. If you find something wrong, you should withdraw immediately." The vice president finally ordered.

After leaving the meeting, Lin Fei and the girl follow the two people in front of them in silence.

because he and maiden are here for the first time. They are not familiar with what they are living in. They do not know where Town God's Temple is.

"You two new comers, just follow me." The evil spirit walked in the front and said in high spirits: "this kind of thing, I can solve it by myself."

"The big guy is a bull." Lin Fei said.

When salted fish call 666, it's easy and easy to do.

The hand of God looked at Lin Fei and the girl and said, "I haven't seen you before. I just came here. What kind of powers do you have?"

"Fire." Lin Fei said without thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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