Because it's written on your card is fire control.

The girl said, "ice."

The hand of God nodded and said, "there is something special about my powers."

"In short, I can make you stronger."

Girl do not understand, but Lin Fei immediately understand, in the 21st century, who has not played a little online games?

"I see." Lin Fei looked at the hand of God and said, "you are a wet nurse!"

The hand of God was stunned.

Mammy? What nurse? Looking down at his chest, flat ah.

The girl immediately hit Lin Fei with her shoulder and said, "what are you talking about? He is a man clearly. How can he be a wet nurse?"

Lin Fei was stunned this time.

My God, these people have not played online games?

"What do you mean?" The hand of God frowned slightly, and the tone became bad.

Lin Fei explained immediately.

"Nanny is the name of my hometown."

"This is not to say that you are a woman, but to say your ability. On our side, Mammy can heal teammates, strengthen teammates, weaken enemies, and even revive teammates. Generally, before challenging powerful enemies, you must find a strong wet nurse."

This time it was their turn to freeze.

It took a long time to react.

"So strong?" A few people couldn't believe it.

The girl was shocked.

Although I have always been curious about Lin Fei's hometown.

But I never thought that there were so many strong people in Lin Fei's hometown to revive the dead. What an ability against heaven?


The evil god said, "where is your hometown? This ability is comparable to the gods. Is your hometown heaven?"

"My hometown is far away." Lin Fei said.

The hand of God said, "don't worry, you won't have any problems with me."

He really seems to think of himself as a wet nurse.

"If your hometown is really so powerful, I would like to go and have a look." Said the evil god with a sneer.

"Opportunity, opportunity." Lin Fei said with a smile.

That's weird.

I don't know when I can go back.

Still looking for a way back!

four people soon came to more than 30 miles outside the city. Far away, they saw a Town God's Temple standing in the grass.

It's too desolate here.

The weeds are half a man's height, not even a zombie can be seen.

In view of the last incident, Lin Fei has been using the ability of perspective to prevent those disgusting things under the grass. After

in Town God's Temple, several people found that the grass was collapsed and a trail appeared.

Along the path, they successfully found a cave.

The hole is more than one meter wide and more than two meters high. It is dark inside and emits a cold and gloomy atmosphere at the same time.

"I'd like to see what's in it."

The evil god sneered and strode in, and the hand of God followed.

Lin Fei took the girl's hand and walked in with her. Although he was invincible, it was good to be careful.

When I entered the cave, I saw nothing but darkness.

It was as if all the light had been swallowed up.

Lin Fei immediately raised his hand, a flame appeared in his hand, immediately lit up the surrounding.


This photo, let him frown tightly, subconsciously tightly grasp the girl's hand.

Because the evil god and the hand of God that just came in are gone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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