It took less than three seconds. Why are these two people missing?

"And they?"

The girl also felt something wrong, and subconsciously approached Lin Fei. At the same time, she was afraid. If Lin Fei had not caught her hand just now, would they have been separated?

"It's a little scary." Lin Fei said in a low voice.

The flame swayed in his hand, bright but yellow and dazzling.

"Change to a bright one."

So he snuffed out the flame, and a cloud of light appeared in his hand. Anyway, the other two people were gone, so he didn't have to pretend that he was only a flame.

When a bright ball of light appeared in his hand, it suddenly became bright around him, and something more than ten meters away could be seen.

All in all, it's much better than fire.

"It's too inconvenient to hold it all the time." Lin Fei let the light ball float on his head again.

In this way, it is illuminated all around, and there is no need to hold it by hand all the time.

"The hole is missing." At this time, there was a girl's voice of fear.

Lin Fei turned to have a look. There was no entrance behind him.

It's a tunnel.

Looking around, Lin Fei and the girl were surprised to find that they were standing on a fork in the road.

Before and after the left and right, there is a way to choose!

"Are they in such places?"

Lin Fei remembered the bodies he saw in the guild: "I don't know how they got out. It's like a dark labyrinth."

"Which side should we go?" The girl asked weakly.

"Whatever you want." Lin Fei said.

Anyway, there is no one who can fight. It's just that the atmosphere here is a little scary.

So Lin Fei chose the road ahead.

The tunnel is about three meters high and less than two meters wide.

"We should find both of them first." The girl suggested.

Lin Fei nodded and said, "it's true. After all, they said they wanted to take me."

But before they went far away, Lin Fei suddenly caught the girl.

"What's the matter?" The girl worried.

She followed Lin Fei's eyes and suddenly saw some mounds on the ground.

Do you have these things just now?

Why don't you have any impression?

But the next moment, her face changed.

Because she saw that a dozen small earth bags were moving and growing bigger, as if something was crawling out of them.

"Pretending to be a corpse?" The girl trembled with fear.

She was not afraid of zombies, but she was afraid of ghosts and things like that.

Pa -

a dark green hand stretched out from the small soil bag.


The girl immediately screamed and hid behind Lin Fei, trembling.

She trembled so that Linfei began to shake.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Fei said helplessly: "these are not any demons."

With the fall of Lin Fei's voice, more than a dozen black green humanoid monsters crawled out of the ground.

They are similar to humans, but they are not, because they are rickety, dark green, hairless, big eyes, and their heads seem to be translucent, and the structures can be seen faintly.

The monsters screamed and rushed at Lin Fei and the girl.

"Little scene."

Lin Fei is very calm. The reason why he is shaking is because the girl takes him with him.

Seeing these monsters coming, Lin Fei raised his feet and kicked them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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