
The first monster was kicked by Linfei, and immediately flew out, as if it had become a cannon ball, colliding in this tunnel.

If you don't have two meters in width, where can you avoid a shell that is several times faster than the speed of sound?

The more than ten monsters in the back didn't even know what happened, so they were smashed into pieces.

Boom -

the kicked monster seems to have hit the wall, causing the whole tunnel to shake.

The tunnel was covered with black blood.

But the ten monsters just now disappeared.

"Well, it's all over." Lin Fei said to the girl.

At this time, the girl dare to open her eyes, in front of those bloody bodies in a daze.

"In fact, these things are not very powerful. You can beat them by yourself." Lin Fei continued.

The girl looked at Lin Fei.

She knew it was a consolation to herself.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Fei thought she was really scared, so he said, "if you feel uncomfortable, I'll send you out."

After that, he raised his hand and flashed on his head.


A fire, through nearly 100 meters of soil, directly connected the tunnel and the outside world.

Looking up, you can see the blue sky and white clouds again.

"I'm fine." Hearing that Lin Fei wanted to send herself out, the girl quickly shook her head and said, "I'm just a little scared. I thought there was a monster."

"Don't be afraid." Lin Fei said: "with me in, what monsters can't bully you."


The girl nodded forcefully, her eyes were moved.

"Let's move on?" Lin Fei asked.

"Let's go." "I am no longer afraid," said the girl

"That's good."

Lin Fei took the girl's hand and continued to walk towards the front.

Through the monsters that just crawled out of the ground, Lin Fei was sure that something terrible had happened here.

I've never seen such a monster before.

These things are definitely not zombies.

"Is it really alien?" Lin Fei's bold assumption before, he suspected that he was right.

"Causality is a wonderful thing. It can be true if you talk about it..." he thought of his real ability.

It seems that I can't talk nonsense in the future.

Two just walked forward a few minutes, those monsters appeared again, still as usual, from the ground to climb out.

But this time, it was the girl who solved them.

"Is it because of the light?" Lin Fei doubts, these monsters feel the light, so they all climb out, want to let the light disappear?

"In this way, it's much simpler."

A thought in his heart changed the light.

Buzzing -

the light ball made a dull noise, and then the light emitted seemed to be getting warmer.

The girl felt something wrong and looked up at Lin Fei.

But at this time, another monster crawled out of the soil, and the girl was immediately ready to fight.



The hand that just came out of the soil, suddenly turned into coke, as if it was suddenly dried!

"Come and come."

Lin Fei said with a smile, "I'm going to teach you how to write dead characters today."

The girl understood.

Why is it suddenly hot? It turns out that Lin Fei did something in the light.

With a little power, she felt cool because she had cold powers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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