When the evil God saw this scene, he was stunned.

That makes him extremely embarrassed purple laser, was Lin Fei raised his hand to block it?

How could that be possible?

How did he do it?

The laser he tried, the power of terror, was hit that moment like a machine gun in their own straying, simply can not stop!

Boom -

the laser is bounced away in front of Lin Fei and forked toward both sides.

Lin Fei found that half a minute later, the laser has not stopped.

“?” He felt a little magical.

So he headed for the monster against the laser.

Boom -

the laser still couldn't touch Linfei in any way, even half a meter away, even nearly a millimeter away.

When the evil God saw this scene, he was just silly.

The laser that forced him to flee in a mess did not have any way to take Linfei.

Even Linfei can walk forward against the laser.

"It's a monster over s!" The evil god stepped back two steps in horror.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the world was a little strange.

And then I thought that he was talking wildly in front of Lin Fei, saying that he could be alone here and what he said to let them hide behind him...

now, he is hiding behind Lin Fei.

Lin Fei walked slowly to the tall monster and looked up at the monster.

A minute later, its gushing laser still does not stop, even does not mean to stop!

"That's too strong."

Lin Fei is surprised, this monster put a minute of big moves, up to now have no intention to stop.

He doubted it would last.

"Are you a perpetual motion machine?" Lin Fei looked up at the monster and said, "let me have a look."

Say it.


He punched through the monster's body, making it stop suddenly, and no laser could be fired from his head.

Lin Fei raised his foot again and kicked the monster over. He stepped on his body and made it unable to move.

"It doesn't hurt."

He stretched out his hand and tore open the monster's head to see why this thing can always play a big trick, now the monster is so powerful?

Unfortunately, nothing was found. Lin Fei kicked the corpse of the monster more than ten meters away.

The evil god was staring at this scene.

After a long time, he slowly spit out two words: "I wipe..."

he tried his best to hurt his existence, but he was torn by Lin Fei's hand?

Is Lin Fei so strong?

He originally thought that Lin Fei was just an S-level talent, and his strength was not so good.

But now, he began to doubt life.

What kind of strength does this have to be? Can you tear a powerful monster?

"He is good at tearing such monsters. Is he also good at tearing S-level powers?" The evil god swallowed his saliva fiercely: "where is his hometown?"

"Is it true to bring the dead back to life?"

And in the evil god can not help but think, Lin Fei came to him.

"Big brother, what hand is that?" Lin Fei asked him.

After all, they walked into the cave almost at the same time.

So they're probably in the same place.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the evil god came back to him and said, "I don't know. I didn't see him."

Now he dare not stand in front of Lin Fei and speak loudly.

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