He is not stupid. He can see that the strength just shown by Ye Feng is hundreds of times stronger than himself.

When I just tore the monster, I didn't use all my strength.

Who knows how powerful he will be with all his strength?

"Are you not together?"

Now he's sure that if they don't come in at the same time, they'll be randomly sent to a place.

"Let's get out of here now." Said the evil god.

Even though he knew that Lin Fei was very powerful, he was still afraid of this place and felt afraid of it.

Just like that monster, do not know how many, or do not know how many more powerful than just that monster.

Lin Fei looked at him and said, "if you want to go, you should go first. I have something else to do."

He didn't come here to find out the truth.

It's about finding news from the gods.

The evil god was stunned and subconsciously looked back at it. How could he go out alone in this dark cave?

There was a shadow in his heart.

Powers as powerful as s are now in a psychological shadow.

"I'll follow you." The evil god whispered.

He's not as wild as he was.

"Let's move on." Lin Fei said.

The evil god's face was bitter and melancholy, but when he saw that Lin Fei and the girl had gone far away, he still quickly followed up and was afraid.

But in the distance from the tunnel entrance is still more than ten meters, here suddenly shaking.

Boom -

it seems that there is something huge going through the soil.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

The evil god was scared to jump up and quickly hid behind Lin Fei. He was even more timid than a girl.

"You will fall into darkness."

In this hall, suddenly there was a sound as heavy as a mountain.

"You are incompetent, you are cowardly, you are like ants."

"This is not a place for you to set foot in."

"Step forward, you will not see any light."

Boom -

the smell of pitch black constantly floated out of the surrounding soil.

The evil god shivered and subconsciously approached Lin Fei. At the same time, he asked nervously, "what are all these?"

Even the girl approached Lin Fei and caught his arm.

Seeing this scene, the evil god immediately followed and seized Lin Fei's arm.

Lin Fei:...

"you are disgusting." He mercilessly pushed the evil spirits away.

"Brother, don't do this." I didn't expect that the evil god immediately adhered to it, seized his arm again, and said, "I'm really flustered now. This place is too wrong."

"Let go, or I'll hit you later." Lin Fei's face disdained: "I don't know how you became S-class. Show your courage."

"I'm not." Cried the evil god.

It sounds terrible, and I don't know what it is.

Lin Fei can only push him away again.

It's a big man's.

"You are not a super girl. If you hold me again, you will be beaten!" Lin Fei said.

The evil god didn't dare to hold it, but he still shrank around Lin Fei and shivered.

Lin Fei looked up and looked around. He didn't find any enemies in perspective, but the vibration was not over.

"My real body has come, the end of your wait is here."

This is the last sentence.

And then the vibration ended.

The next moment, more than 10 meters in front of the three people, the tunnel suddenly lit up a dark green fire.

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