The mechanic is repairing his locomotive.

At that time, the car they drove when they left was refitted by him. It was not only indestructible, but also had a strong engine, which drove very fast.

"Hum, hum..."

The mechanic felt that he was in a very good mood, because there was no one who was always bad for them.

Those in a good mood even want to dance.

But this is the moment.


Suddenly something fell on the open space in front of the maintenance shop, which attracted the attention of the mechanic.


At a casual glance, the mechanic was stunned.

Because he saw a head, and the face he knew so well, it was the head of the executioner!

The mechanic saw clearly that the face of the executioner was full of fear, and his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world before he died.


The mechanic's legs softened and he sat on the ground.

In the morning, there is a person who said that he has a smile. How can he just have a head in a twinkling of an eye?

What's going on?

"Not good!"

He thought of something, quickly got up from the ground, turned over and sat in the modified car.


The engine roared, the mechanic did not have any melancholy, immediately started the car and left.

"I don't believe he can catch up with me!"

He guessed that someone must be watching them and solving them.

The executioner with infinite strength has been killed. How can he be the opponent of the other party if he can only refit the machine?

"The news must be told to the boss and them!" The mechanic was burning with anxiety.

But at this time, a cool voice suddenly rang around him.

"Where do you want to go?"

The mechanic's body trembled, only felt goose bumps all over his body.

Rigid looking to the side, pupil shrinkage.

Because clearly see, a figure is around!

"How could that be possible?" The mechanic only felt that his soul was shaking, and the man ran to catch up with him!

You should know that his motorcycle, after being refitted, has the speed comparable to that of a professional racing car. It's easy to run a hundred meters a second. But can this man catch up?

Is this still human?

Lin Fei grabbed the mechanic's collar and pulled it back. He held the mechanic in his hand.

The locomotive, on the other hand, was out of control, smashed through several walls, and then exploded and was engulfed by fire.


Lin Fei threw the mechanic to the ground.

"Who are you?" The mechanic scrambled to the back and exclaimed, "what are you going to do?"

"Tell me the truth, what did you do today?" Lin Fei squatted down and asked lightly.

"Nothing." Said the mechanic.

"Oh? Really? " "This is your last chance to tell the truth," Lin said

"I killed people today." The mechanic saw the cold light in Lin Fei's eyes, and was immediately scared to tell the truth: "an old immortal, who has been bothering us for a long time, has finally caught him today."

"I hit him twice with a modified car."

Lin Fei understood.

Why did you find that uncle's rib was broken in the first place...

all the injuries on his body were left by the executioner, who wanted to cut off the uncle's meat piece by piece, while the mechanic hit him with a car.

"I see. It's OK."

Lin Fei stands up.

The bombers, the executioners, the machinists have been found, but there is still a cheater and their boss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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