Through the map, he found the location of the reservoir and drove to it in a car modified by a mechanic.

Far away, we can see a huge gate. In front of the door, many young people with weapons are guarding.

There are not many zombies around here. It seems that the reason is that these people often clean up.

But at this moment, the people at the door suddenly heard the roar of the engine and looked in that direction.

They froze.

Because what I saw was not a familiar mechanic, but another strange man.

"Look behind him!"

They were surprised to see that there was a long iron chain at the back of the car, and there was a man at the end of the chain.

The motorcycles roared, and the man was dragged along, leaving a trail of blood on the ground, just like the traces left by a brush on paper.

Brake -

the car stopped. Lin Fei got off the car and looked back at the mechanic.

It's dead.

His face was ground smooth.


The young men immediately stood up and tried to stop Lin Fei.

But Lin Fei just walked forward. When the light wind blew around him, there were more bodies on the ground.

"It's beyond our ability to find a way to die."

When he passed the gate of the reservoir, the tall gate collapsed, isolating everything in it.

"Cheater, thanks to you today." A young man with black hair turned the left wheel in his hand and said with a loud smile, "the old man is finally solved."

In front of him was a man in a black cloak who could not see his face.


He's a trickster.

"It's not good!"

Just at this moment, there was a scream outside.

Both looked out and saw a man running in panic.

His face was stained with blood and full of horror.

"What's going on?" The young man with black hair frowned and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"No way!" The man cried in horror: "boss, the trickster, run!"

"There's a devil out there. He's from hell. He's not a man. He's a monster, the most terrifying monster in the world."

"What monster?" The black haired youth and the con artist were puzzled.

But the next moment.

Poop -

they clearly saw that the man's head was also detached from his neck and rolled down like a ball.


The pupil of the young man with black hair shrank sharply.

This scene is too sudden. What just happened?

"I finally found you."

A voice suddenly sounded below. At the next moment, they saw a figure coming up the stairs slowly.

It's Lin Fei!

"Who are you?" The dark haired youth stepped back.

Obviously, what just happened is what this young man in front of him did!

"Who am I..." Lin Fei thought and said, "I'm just a person who owes an uncle a lunch."

When I heard uncle, they both understood.

"Brother, have something to say..." the black haired youth said, holding the gun in his hand.


But at this moment, the gun suddenly broke away from his hand and flew to Lin Fei's.

"Give me the gun!" Cried the black haired youth.

"No guns." Lin Fei said faintly, "but I can give you a bullet."


At the sound of a gun, the trickster fell down first.

"To wear a cloak in the daytime is not a good man." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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