But it's a pity that...

it's useless for Ye Feng, because he was not a power from the beginning. If he doesn't have a power in his body, how can he consume it?

This is the forbidden area of the power, but not Ye Feng's.

"It's OK. Come with me." Lin Fei grabs the girl's hand and flies directly to the palace opposite.

He looked at the floating stones. It should be a road.

The normal way to get to the palace is to jump over the stone, but who would have thought that Lin Fei could really fly?

Through the abyss, they come to a gate.

The door is more than ten meters high. It is carved with complicated patterns. There are six lights extinguished on both sides of the door.

"The door is closed. How can I open it?" The girl is very strange.

"Try knocking on the door." Lin Fei said.

Then he took the girl to knock on the door. After all, he came uninvited. Would you like to knock on the door?

Bang -

two light sounds, and Lin Fei knocks on the door.

But after waiting for a long time, the door did not open. Instead, many monsters came from all directions.

Lin Fei is familiar with these monsters.

It's the ones that you've seen in the dark caves before.

They clawed their teeth and crawled toward Linfei and the girl. In this place, they seemed more powerful and faster than usual.

"It's you."

Lin Fei said, clapping on the door with one hand.


A huge bang, more than ten meters high bronze gate, burst open.

"If it's you, I don't have to be so polite." Lin Fei stamped his foot, and the whole castle was shaken. The monster that came from all directions was shaken out on the spot and exploded in the air.

"Go in and have a look."

Lin Fei took the girl and walked into the castle without looking back.

But this is the moment.


Space vibrates, and six more powers appear in this world without light.

"We have to get rid of the danger before we expand this place." The leading man said: "the only way to protect the rally is to behead."

The other five nodded.

The six were sent by the guild, headed by three s-levels, and led by three A-level powers to decapitate their heads.

In fact, the guild has already figured out the situation here.

Even the enemy here has been found out.

"Go ahead and open the door."

"Jump over these floating stones," said the captain

In the process of jumping, he added: "the front is the gate of the dark castle, the gate is closed, we have sent the most powerful people to open the door, but it does not help."

"Then we found a way to open the door."

The captain said: "there are six lights out in front of the door. When we stand in front of the door, there will be six waves of monsters, led by a knight."

"As long as the six knights are killed, we can get a fireball. We need to put the fireball on the lamp. When all the six lights are on, the door will open automatically."

"Do you understand?"

The other five immediately drank: "got it!"

Originally, it was so complicated to open the door...

but when these six people came to the door, they were suddenly stunned.

The broken ground, the corpses all over the ground, the broken lamp posts, and the broken gate all of a sudden make six people have an illusion. Are they wrong?

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