"No The captain was confused: "what's going on?"

The way to open the door was found out at the expense of more than a dozen powers, which paid a great price. But now, the door that blocked them collapsed!

On the ground, there are broken doors, and there are monster corpses on the ground...

they are all ready for a fierce battle, and this result is not expected by them.

The Captain stood in front of the door hesitated for a moment, and finally took a deep breath and said, "go in, our plan will not change."

"The next level is void canyon." "If you want to get to the castle, you have to go through the hollow Canyon," the captain said

"What is the hollow Canyon?" Someone asked.

"It's the abyss." "No flying is allowed in the void gorge, but there are some floating stones on it. The stones appear and disappear from time to time. We must seize the opportunity to jump over them," the captain said

"But these are not the most dangerous. The most dangerous thing is that on both sides of the canyon, there are several knights with heavy crossbows on guard."

"So we have to move fast, through the hollow canyon before they hit us!"

The others nodded heavily.

"The castle is so luxurious that the money has been used to repair the castle, and the road will not be repaired?"

Lin Fei took the girl standing in the void gorge before looking at the abyss of the hundred meters wide, and make complaints about it.

"Look, there are stones on it!"

The girl was surprised to find that the stone above the abyss would suddenly appear and then disappear.

"In about five seconds, the stone will disappear." She soon discovered the pattern.

"She guessed," we should have stepped on the stone

Lin Fei is full of question marks.

"The castle is so luxurious, and the roads are so beautiful? It's not practical at all. " Lin Fei said, "since they can't build roads, I'll help them."

When the voice dropped, Lin Fei raised his hand.


The world seemed to shake suddenly. Countless stones flew up from the canyon and floated in front of Linfei.

As Lin Fei's mind moved, all the stones collided and recombined and turned into stone slabs.


He suddenly realized a fatal thing: "the canyon is too deep to see the bottom, so there is no way to get supports..."

the bridge can only be held in mid air with supports.

In particular, the canyon with a distance of 100 meters can not be built without supports.

"Forget it. I don't want to get a bracket. Let's get a stone slab hundreds of meters long." Lin Fei low Nan, and control these slate combination.

This time, he can control the land, or he can command the stones to turn them into stone slabs, and let the stone slabs be the integration and connection of the stone slabs. It is as simple as eating and drinking water.

In less than 30 seconds, a huge stone slab hundreds of meters long, 34 meters wide and more than one meter thick appeared in front of them.


With a loud noise, Lin Fei laid the stone slab across the canyon, and a bridge was built like this?

"I'm so kind." Lin Fei sighed and took the girl to the stone.

One meter thick stone slab bridge, not to mention two people, even if a 20 ton truck drives through, there will be no problem.

However, they haven't reached the middle yet...

the cold light in the girl's eyes flashed. She waved out four ice blades and collided with a light in the air.

Roar -

the ice blade and light burst at the same time, and the flame was engulfed by the darkness.

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