"You can't see them." The girl looked in the direction where the light had just come, and there was nothing but darkness.

"It's not a big problem, just a few knights." Lin Fei said.

He has perspective, just dark, and wants to blind his eyes? So far, the only thing he can't see through is the mask of Miss mask.

With that, Lin Fei took out the rocket launcher from his backpack.

"It's been a long time since there was a boom. It's just that you're going to be my target." Lin Fei smiles.

He clearly saw that in the distance, in the dark, several knights were standing on the stone to bomb two people.

This is hundreds of meters apart.

Lin Fei is sure that the crossbow in the other party's hand is black technology, and he also wants to play with it. But now...

"eat me!"


The rocket flew out, hundreds of meters away, in the blink of an eye.

A flash of fire in the distance, a knight was blown to pieces, along with the stones under his feet.

"And more."

Lin Fei put his eyes on another knight.

You're welcome. Rocket launch.

On the left and right sides of the stone bridge, there are a total of more than a dozen knights. In the past, they stood on the stone and bombed those who jumped on the stone.

But now the situation is reversed, and it is covered by artillery fire. The rocket in the hand of the man on the opposite stone bridge seems to be firing without money. There is no need for shells and there is no recoil force.

The most important thing is that it is so powerful that even a stone can be broken in one shot.

As the last Knight's head was broken, Lin Feicai threw the rocket launcher in his hand, and then sighed for a long time.

"Invincible, how lonely it is."

The girl immediately couldn't help rolling a white eye and said, "don't be lonely."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "no, no loneliness."

They walked across the stone bridge and continued to walk towards the castle, getting closer and closer.

And just a few minutes after the two men left, the six men came cautiously.

"When you go down the canyon, you must be careful. The stones under your feet will disappear in five seconds. Seize the opportunity."

"In the darkness on both sides, several monsters are bombing us with long-range weapons. If they are hit, they will definitely be blown down the canyon, and they will surely die."

The captain told him again and again for fear of accidents.

After all, this method of passing through the canyon was discovered after sacrificing several powers.

But when they came to the canyon, they were stunned again.

Because they saw a stone bridge.

"Where is the bridge? It's a stone slab!" Someone exclaimed, "how can there be such a huge stone slab here?"

"I, I don't know, is it a trap?" the captain said stupidly

"It's not a trap."

Because someone has already stood up, and walked back and forth, but also forced to step on a few feet: "very solid, I feel that the truck has been driving without problems."

"No, what's the situation The captain is full of question marks.

"Captain, here's a rocket launcher!" Suddenly, a teammate ran back with a rocket launcher, which Lin Fei had thrown away.

"This is a technological creation of mankind. The barrel is still hot. Someone has just been here?"

The captain frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "let's follow."

"There are at most six people in this place. How did he get in?" He was filled with doubts.

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