"Further on, there is the dark garden." The captain frowned and said, "we must catch up quickly."

"What's the dark garden?" the other players wondered

"A garden labyrinth." If the monster is not familiar with it, it will be dead inside

"Ah?" The players got nervous and said, "what shall we do?"

"I have a map."

The captain said, "this map was drawn by more than a dozen psionic powers. After crossing the garden, you can get to the gate of the castle."

"And the people in front of me, there must be no map, they can't get out."

"And in the labyrinth, there are powerful knights with extremely sharp blades in their hands, and they can also take our powers!"

"So terrible!" The players were shocked.

"Yes." The captain sighed and said, "we've had several powers, and they've sucked them away, and they've killed them."

"They're damned!" The players were indignant.

"But their sacrifice is worth it." The captain said: "because of them, we can find the track of these knights. They all have fixed routes."

"As long as you avoid it in time, there's no problem."

Before the dark garden...

"what is this place

Lin Fei looked at the ten meter high bush wall in front of him and fell into meditation.

"It's like a maze." The girl looked around and saw that there were more than ten meters high shrub walls everywhere. It must be a maze.

"Why are so many flowers so colorful?"

Lin Fei said, "don't you know I'm Lu Chi?"

The girl thought for a while and said, "we can fly there. It's only ten meters high. We can fly over."

"I'm not." Lin Fei said, "it's really cheap to fly over like this."

"Since the labyrinth came out, it must be to hide something shady. Today, I'm going to tear it down."

"Let them bully Lu Chi like this!"

Lin Fei's hand suddenly blazed. He caught the flame and threw it out. He saw a light of fire running through the whole dark garden.

Several knights were patrolling with magic knives, but the fire was so sudden that it pierced a bush wall and hit them.

Even though their bodies were as strong as stones, they were still fragile as paper in front of the fire.

In the blink of an eye, the body was engulfed by the flame, and there was no ash left.

In front of Lin Fei, on the bush wall, there is a big round hole four or five meters high and wide, which can see through the whole dark garden at a glance.

"See the door."

But this is not what Lin Fei wants.

"Come again!"

Roar and roar -

the whole dark garden is shaking, and fire lights run through the dark garden. The originally complex dark garden, which is very easy to get lost, has now become all roads leading to Rome...

you can walk out easily even with your eyes closed!

This is the satisfaction of clapping the dust that does not exist on the hand.


Lin Fei said, "of course, the labyrinth is going to pass."

Young girl:...

now, can we call it maze?

Standing at the entrance, you can see the exit. Hello, this is called "the road".

Just as they were about to walk past, they suddenly heard a cry from behind.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Fei and the girl stopped at once. Looking back, they saw six people running towards here.

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