Roaring and rumbling -

when the bull moves, the place vibrates. The rocks that block it are smashed by one blow, and the falling stones are trampled into dust.

Seeing this scene, people were shocked.

What kind of terrifying force is it that can crush stones directly.

If you step on a person, that's ok?

"Is this an S-class monster?"

Many people have subconsciously retreated. It's too powerful to be dealt with by level a and B powers.

Rumor has it that even the S-level to strengthen the bull, but also slightly in the downwind.

As soon as Lin Fei was ready to start, he looked at the sky.

"Get out of here

Suddenly a cold drink came from the sky.

The next moment, there is a bright light to illuminate the sky, people only feel a flash in front of their eyes, as if there is an instant blindness.


A strange noise, people here can clearly see that the hand that has been extended out of the reinforced bull is actually spinning and flying to the sky!

Looking up at the sky again, a graceful figure is standing here.

The visitor has white hair, long hair and waist, and is also a snow-white long-distance running, eyebrows, stars and sword eyes. His body exudes a kind of holy light, as if the God came down to earth, and the divine power can not be offended.

"Sword Fairy!"

When they saw the man clearly, they immediately cried out with excitement.

Lin Lang sword immortal is one of the strongest in H city. When he wakes up, the heaven and earth are changed. Ten thousand swords worship him. In a flash, his head is white and his hair is like a waterfall. He is in high spirits, as if he were a sword immortal.

Lin Fei and the girl also looked up.

This is a very young man, handsome face, tall and straight, holy light, like a God.

In people's eyes, Lin Lang Sword Fairy is like a real immortal, but in Lin Fei's eyes, it's really pretty.

What's the light around here?

Not afraid of light pollution?

If you want to open it, you have to wait until the night. It can be used as a street light.

"Evil animal, this fruit is mine, you shouldn't touch it." Lin Lang Sword Fairy bowed his head and despised the intensified bull. His tone was full of sarcasm.

The bull's right hand was cut off, and its eyes turned red instantly.

It was just at this time that Lin Fei understood why this thing was called a bull.


It's hard to shake its legs in the sky!


Lin Lang Sword Fairy just snorted: "beyond my ability."

Then he raised his hand and said softly.



A long sword suddenly came across the sky and fell into his hand. It was as light as the sun and the moon faded.


Lin Lang Sword Fairy laid his sword across his chest. The bull hit the sword with a big bang. As a result, both figures were still motionless.

"Just this strength?"

Sword Fairy sneered: "you are not qualified to be my opponent, die."


The sword in his hand trembled, and the man Niu was immediately shaken open. At this time, Lin Lang sword immortal cut horizontally with one sword, leaving several shadows.

Poop -

black blood suddenly splashed from the waist of the fortified bull, like the dam burst of a reservoir, and there was a black blood rain for a time.

The bull didn't even scream. It split into two pieces in the air and fell heavily on the ground.

All the people said:

They found themselves unable to understand what had just happened.

"The Sword Fairy first blocked the bull's fist, and then cut it with a sword?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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