"My mother, this is too strong, is it worthy of being a sword immortal?"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

Lin Lang Sword Fairy glanced at the corpse of the bull, snorted coldly, threw the sword away, and then slowly fell to the ground.

At this moment, his holy light is still the same, like a fairy coming down to earth.

"There is no one like Lin Lang Sword Fairy."

"The legendary one is the best in the world. I'm afraid it's not as powerful as the sword immortal."

"If the number one in the world is a legend, then Linlang sword immortal is a legend in the legend. It is a myth. The number one in the world is a ball."

"That's enough."

At this time, Lin Lang Sword Fairy opened his mouth and interrupted the discussion.

He glanced at the people here and said slowly, "a person who doesn't exist is not worthy to be compared with me."

"If the first in the world really exists, there is only one possibility. I am the first in the world, and I am the first in the world."

The voice fell into silence.

"Sword Fairy is powerful and domineering!"

After a long time, someone was excited to cry out.

"The sword immortal is powerful, the sword immortal is domineering!"

Then there was a group of people with a loud cry.

The time of fruit ripening is getting closer and closer. There is only a trace of Green left. Here it is quiet again.

Although they can guess who the fruit belongs to.

But they still want to see it with their own eyes.

"What a coincidence."

But at this time, not far away suddenly came a cheerful man's greeting voice.

The sound broke the silence and caught everyone's attention.

Looking in that direction, they saw a bald man in a black vest. He was tall and muscular.

The man had a smile on his face, which should be a kind smile, but the people were shocked.

Because they recognized this person.

"King Kong Boxing God!"

Another strong man in H city is said to have the same strength as Sword Fairy.

It's not that the talent is extraordinary, but because before the heaven and earth have not changed, I have been exercising in the gym. When I wake up, I immediately get the strength of s level, which is accumulated over time. Now I have the strength that can't be small.

"Two great gods are coming!"

These people are scared.

Everyone knows that King Kong Boxing God is also for the fruit. If these two people fight here, can they protect themselves?

It is said that the fist of King Kong Boxing God is as terrible as nuclear weapons.

No opponent can stop him.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here." Lin Lang Jianxian stood in front of the fruit tree and said in a cold voice.

He also knew that the God of fist was a strong opponent, so he wanted to take the fruit away and swallow it in one gulp.

"I've eaten too much meat. I want to find a fruit to satisfy my hunger." The boxing God said with a smile.

The atmosphere froze.

But in the distance, Lin Fei looked at this scene, just shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go back first."

Then he took out the remote control and sent it back to the cabin.

"We don't want the fruit of powers anymore?" The girl asked, it doesn't seem to be Lin Fei's style.


Lin Fei said, "I'll come back and get something. You can cook at home first."

The girl nodded knowingly.

Lin Fei went back to the room and took the bamboo hat. He pressed it down slightly. He could not see his face. It was perfect, but it seemed that there was something wrong with it.


Take out the wooden sword and hold it in your hand. It's really perfect this time.

It's just like the swordsman who used to be a swordsman in the world!

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