After lunch, the girl was about to clear the table when Lin Fei stopped her.

"What's the matter?" Asked the girl.

"Don't you want to try new powers?" Lin Fei took out a bright red mango from his pocket. Naturally, there was not enough to eat. So he took out the second and the third one...

looking at the power fruit in front of her, the girl did not have much surprise, because they ate it every day along the way.

Now it's a new one. It must be that the taste is different.

Wash clean, do not need to peel, the whole mango delicate to drop, but also send out a light fragrance, very attractive, the girl gently bit a bite.

All of a sudden, the lips and teeth remain fragrant, delicious as if it can blow the taste buds.

"Oh, well, this is sour and sweet!"

She was surprised to say, this mango is not as crisp as the golden apple before, it is soft and waxy, sour and sweet, without any impurities, a bite down, like the ice cream on the same!

The girl fell in love with the taste.

"Well, it's a little sour." Compared with the girl, Lin Fei seems to have some dislike. He likes sweetness, but he doesn't like acid.

But it's worth it to see how girls like it.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they came to H city.

Here, the streets are also full of zombies, they are aimless, everywhere in the street bump.

Lin Fei wanted to find the meeting, so he didn't want to pay attention to the zombies under his feet, so he flew over their heads.

They wandered over the city, trying to find the meeting, but the meeting did not find, but accidentally found two people.

"There are two people below. Let's go down and ask for directions."

Lin Fei takes the girl down and lands in front of a restaurant. There are few zombies nearby. Lin Fei suspects that this is related to two people in the building.


When Lin Fei took the girl into the restaurant, he immediately attracted the attention of the two people here.

These two are men, one of them is a little fat, the back is very thin.

But that thin man, when he saw Ye Yuxue, his eyes were straight.

"Keke --"

it was not until the fat man next to him coughed twice that the emaciated man regained consciousness.

Ye Yuxue just glanced at the thin man and didn't say anything.

Lin Fei but actively blocked in front of the girl, light smile, way: "excuse me, do you know where the rally is?"

"You --"

the thin man was about to say something, but he was interrupted by the fat man.

"Yes, I know." He laughed and said, "what? Are you going to the assembly, too? "

"The two of us are out to carry out the task of the ability, is preparing to go back, did not expect to meet you, the two survivors, is a lot of points."

"Together?" Asked the fat man.

"Then trouble." Lin Fei said.

Because the streets are full of zombies, you can only walk from the rooftop if you want to leave.

Thanks to their ability and skill, they can walk fast on the roof.

"How far is the rally?" After walking for a while, Lin Fei asked.

"Soon, soon." Slightly fat man light smile way.

"By the way, brother, we're both d-level powers. What about you?" He went on.

"Grade D?" Lin Fei said, "I don't look like it."

"But we're really d-level powers." He said helplessly: "come out to do the task, is to want to mix a meal to eat, you two look, must be A-level ability." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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