Lin Fei thought for a moment and said, "almost."

"That's good." The little fat man said, "you must take care of us more in the future."

"You're welcome." Lin Fei Dao.

"Don't bully me." The skinny man also said, "I'm weak. Maybe you move your finger and I'll die."

"Tell me the truth." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"You are so humorous." Slightly fat man also light smile way.

Along the way, both of them showed a harmless smell of human and animal.

"Through the underground parking lot ahead, you can see the rally." Said the fat man.

The four entered the underground parking lot, where the light was weak, the air was cold and humid, but there were no zombies.

Lin Fei looks left and right with perspective. It's surprisingly open here.

"This place doesn't feel right." Lin Fei said.

"Yes, because this is your burial ground!"

At this time, the fat man walking in front of Lin Fei suddenly turned back, and at the same time, he thrust his right hand towards Linfei's heart.

His right hand became dark in an instant, with long fingernails, like ghost claws.


However, with a crisp sound, the atmosphere solidified.

Because his sneak attack failed, his claw was on Lin Fei's chest, and he could not enter any more!


As a result, he reacted quickly. This time, he couldn't do it again. This time, he stabbed Lin Fei's eyes with great malice.


But this time, Linfei grabbed his hand.

It's not because their eyes can't block the attack, but simply want to block it.

"No more?" Lin Fei asked.

"You see through it." The fat man broke free Lin Fei's hand and the thin man retreated not far away.

In the dark parking lot, both faces changed.

There are black meridians on their faces. Rather than meridians, Lin Fei looks at those things more like a creeping worm.


The skinny man laughed: "we are not D-class."

"In fact, we are S-class."

Lin Fei's face was expressionless: "cow force, cow force, it's so strong, I'm scared by you."

"The man killed and the woman stayed." The skinny man said, "that woman is the best I've ever seen, and at this age, I like it."

He couldn't help laughing, revealing his black teeth.

"It's ugly to laugh at."

Lin Fei sighed and said, "I don't have time to play with you."

As soon as the voice dropped, he started.


The moment he disappeared, the figure of the fat man also disappeared, and then there was a loud noise, a huge hole appeared on the top of the underground parking lot, and the dust kept falling from it.


The skinny man next to him was shocked to see this scene.

What's the situation?

Why is this man so powerful?

"You were right. I can really kill you by moving my finger." Lin Fei said faintly: "you guessed right, the reward is that I personally send you on the road."


The thin man said, "you can't kill me, or you will die."

"I wish an opponent would come and kill me." Lin Fei said.

"Don't you want to know how to get to the meeting? I'll take you there

Lin Fei said, "I can read mind. I know how to go from the time I ask you this question." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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