Boom -

there was another loud noise, and a big hole was added to the ceiling of the parking lot.


Clapping the dust on his hands, Lin Fei said helplessly, "if you want to cheat me, it's still too tender."

The girl immediately came up and said, "when did you know about their plot?"

"From the very beginning." Lin Fei said, "I can read mind. I've seen everyone outside except that it's not for you."

"If you want to ask for directions, I can get the most accurate location immediately without answering."

"Is that amazing?" Said the girl in surprise.

"Not bad." Lin Fei said: "after all, a person's psychological activities are much stronger than the performance. If you ask a person what he ate at noon, he can only tell the name of the dish, but he can remember how the dish is made."

"Come on, go to the meeting." Lin Fei said, "this gathering is also a bit interesting."

"Well?" The girl's face puzzled: "what's interesting?"

"Remember that skinny man who threatened me just now?"

Lin Fei said slowly, "in fact, there is a mysterious organization in this assembly. It is said that it has obtained the will of God to turn some powers into monsters."

"Turn a power into a monster?" The girl's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled up: "how could there be such an organization?"

"According to the idea of the man just now, there is such an organization."

"Now, I want to go and have a look at this organization. They have got the will of God?" Lin Fei said

He took the girl, flew out of the hole in the ceiling, flew directly to the assembly, and swept directly over the wall.

The mysterious organization is not in the assembly, otherwise the guild will never allow this thing to exist.

The organization was behind the rally.

A building, which looks like hundreds of stories high, is the purpose of this trip.

But not upstairs.

"They're hiding in the basement." Lin Fei said.

"Strange to say, why did they hide in the dark and damp basement? Didn't they get the will of God?"

If you don't understand these people, maybe they are used to it, maybe they know that this is wrong.


As soon as they entered the building, they immediately heard two shouts.

Lin Fei looked ahead and saw two young men looking at themselves in anger.

But when these two people's eyes fell on the girl, they were stunned for a moment. There are such clean and beautiful girls in this world.

It has been more than half a year since the end of the world.

In the past six months, not to mention beautiful girls, even women, also can not see a few.

But now, unexpectedly, there is a young and beautiful, lovely and moving girl standing in front of her, two people heartthrob.

So the leading man said, "you can go now, but your girlfriend wants to stay."


Lin Fei said, "what are you talking about?"

"I said, you can go away." The man repeated.

"You don't even know what I'm here for, just let me go?" Lin Fei said, "what if I came to kill you?"


Two people suddenly a Leng, way: "what do you mean?"

"Two dead people, no need to explain." Lin Fei walked to the two people and patted them on the shoulder.

"It's a pity that I'm too young to be a human being." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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