"Is it the king of Dao who has just been beaten away?"

When people in the distance saw this scene, they were stunned.

Just to see the person, it was the famous A-level ability - the king of Dao. As a result, he was directly pumped away by Lin Fei.

"Really? Am I dazzled? "

At this moment, there is an unreal feeling in the hearts of people here.

"The sword king is defeated!"

The news spread quickly like a plague, but in a flash, people in the guild waiting for the victory of the sword King were stunned.

"How could that be possible?"

"How could the sword king be defeated?"

There was an uproar in the whole guild because they all knew who the king of Dao was and how powerful he was.

It turned out to be defeated by an unknown person.

It is said that the other party didn't touch him.

"Who is he? Relying on the strength of high strength, do evil here? Homicide? Such a man must die and return justice to the world

"Let's go together. I don't believe this killer dares to fight so many people!"

"Yes! Together

The people in the guild, all of a sudden, United, all walked out of the guild and walked toward the street where Lin Fei was.

People who don't understand what happened are shocked to see such pictures.

"What is this for?"

Immediately someone explained: "there was a murderer in the assembly, and now they are united to deal with him."

The bystander's eyes suddenly brightened and said, "I'm one of the just things like this."

So more and more people joined the crowd.

After shooting the flying knife king, Lin Fei wanted to take the girl out of here.

Because he knew in his heart that if he stayed here, more and more people would come to their troubles for the sake of justice.

But before he left, the men came.

Vast, looking at nearly a thousand people, like the tide.

"Right in front, this is the man!"

"The girl behind him is still robbed. It is said that he killed the whole family of the girl!"

"This man has high strength. If he doesn't protect human beings, he should do such a vicious thing."

Lin Fei listened silently. Everything was expected. Sure enough, his own affairs became more and more excessive in their ears.

"So do you know what happened?" Lin Fei looks at these people lightly.

"What happened? Isn't it you who killed people in the street

"Those people tried to save the girl, and you killed them all!"

"Hahaha --"

listening to these words, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing. These people's ability to make up stories is too strong.

"It's these people who want to move me. I'm just fighting." Lin Fei said.

"What are you defending?"

These people feel that Lin Fei is guilty, so they say more loudly: "today we will do justice for heaven, kill you this devil!"

"I see who dares!"

The girl was the first to block Lin Fei's face. She was cold and said, "he didn't do what you said. Instead, he saved me!"

"The girl is brainwashed!" These people feel like they're on the side of justice.

"It must be. Get the girl back quickly!"

There are also a lot of people are greedy for the girl's body, after all, the birth is too beautiful.

"Come here, then." Ye Feng light said: "if you have the ability to defeat me."

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