
Seeing that Lin Fei dared to disobey them, they immediately became angry and acted on behalf of heaven. The man in front of him even dared to say such wild words.

It must be severely punished!

"Stop it!"

But just as these people were heading for Lin Fei, a voice suddenly sounded from the side and stopped them.

"Who is it?"

Suddenly stopped, these people are a little unhappy, but when they see the coming people, they are all stunned.

Because the comer was the vice president of the guild.

The news of Lin Fei's killing in the meeting spread quickly. He heard that there were thousands of people going to encircle and suppress them. Even the vice president was startled.

Thousands of people went out, which is definitely not a small matter in the assembly.

"How did the vice president show up here?"

These people are in a daze, immediately eyes a bright, understand.

"The vice president must come to help us!"

Lin Fei's eyes also fell on the so-called vice president, that is a middle-aged man, at this time has looked at himself.

The vice president walked quickly towards Lin Fei.

"I've figured out what happened." He approached Lin Fei and said in a low voice.

"I know it's those people who started first. Those people don't have the bottom line. They really deserve it. I'm here to apologize for them."

Lin Fei said with a faint smile, "since you know what happened, you can explain to them and let them apologize to me."

"They apologized, and I don't think it happened."

Lin Fei thought the other party would agree, but the vice president shook his head and said, "no way."

"Well?" Lin Fei's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The vice president went on to say, "I can't tell the truth because now they all believe they are right. There are thousands of them and you have only one."

"If you admit your mistake and apologize, I will try to keep you."

Hearing this, Lin Fei immediately faced a question mark.

"What do you mean?"

He said, "it means they are wrong, they misunderstood me, and I want to take this misunderstanding as true? And then let me apologize to them? "

The vice president nodded seriously and said, "because there are so many of them."

"They feel that they are just, which is a good thing, and you should help them."


As a result, just as he said this, there was a clear voice resounding.

The girl's face was cold and her hand was closed.

"You know they're wrong and you want us to apologize?"

"Do you think we're bullying, or do you think we're stupid?" The girl said coldly.


The vice president was stunned and didn't expect that the girl would make a sudden move.

"Well done." Lin Fei rubbed the girl's head. Sure enough, in this world, only a girl dotes on herself.

"He is a murderer. I just wanted to persuade him to turn over a new leaf, but I didn't expect that he would not give him any sympathy!"

Vice President face iron blue, a finger Lin Fei, so said.

"Go on, kill him!"

Hearing what the vice president said, they were more excited and rushed together.

"Hahaha --"

seeing this scene, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

Then he looked at the vice president and said, "who is that?"

"Just now you told me that there are thousands of people, but now I want to tell you that in my eyes, these 1000 people are not the same."


The idea moves, here suddenly the mountain falls apart.

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