A crack lies between Lin Fei and these people.

Seeing this scene, all the people who came to the scene stopped, just a wave of their hands, and even directly split the ground?

A crack more than one meter wide!

What kind of strength is this?

Lin Fei stood on the other side of the crack and said, "if you want to move faster, if you think your bones are harder than the ground, just come up."

Hearing what Lin Fei said, these people frowned at once.

Anger has been written on their faces, and their fists have been pinched tightly. In their ears, Lin Fei's words are provocative.

But the strength is here, none of them dare to be the first bird.

"Can no one punish him?"

Someone looked up to the sky and yelled, "my God, where is justice?"

"Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!"

Their voice is very loud. They hope that justice will come and gods will come to the world. Do they really let the devil who kills everywhere wander around the world?

"Come on, let's go!"

Suddenly, a young man jumped out, roared with indignation, and strode towards Lin Fei.

When the others saw this, they all looked at each other and rushed to the scene.

"For justice!"

Looking at the dozens of people rushing in, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.


"Where do you come from, those who go with the wind and have no opinion?"

"You are nothing but accomplices in murder."

After that, Lin Fei waved his hand, and there was a sudden gust of wind.


These people had just jumped over the rift valley when they were blown back by the sudden gust of wind.

A lot of people stumbled into the rift valley, and the miserable cry came out continuously. People piled up, and the three meter deep rift valley was filled up in the blink of an eye.

"I don't believe you're rubbish. Aren't you used to fill roads?" Lin Fei said coldly.

The rest of those who did not have time to rush up, heard such words, the hearts of more angry.

"You want to die!"

Some people raved: "you a killing maniac, what kind of thing, dare to insult us!"

Lin Fei shook his head and raised his hand to cut out a blade of wind.

"Give you a ride." He said.

But the next moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and blocked in front of the blade.


A crisp sound, a string of sparks, the blade of the wind immediately whirled out.

"Why bother one by one." Lin Fei has no choice but to cover his face, because the person he has seen is Lin Lang Sword Fairy.

"I finally found you." Lin Lang Sword Fairy said.

Not long ago, he received news that a Murderer with a sword was killing people in the street.

He felt that he must be Lin Fei.

So the first time to rush over, although do not remember the face, but saw Lin Fei waist that long sword, immediately recognized him.

Lin Lang sword immortal remembers clearly that he was defeated by this sword.

All the people present were stunned by the sudden appearance of the figure.

It wasn't until a moment later.

"It's... Lin Lang Sword Fairy!"

"We are saved!"

"God must have heard our voice, so he sent Lin Lang Sword Fairy to subdue demons and demons, and get rid of this murderous maniac!"

In their eyes, Linlang sword immortal is the strongest existence and the belief in their hearts.

Lin Lang Sword Fairy came, everything is settled, can compose the ending.

This killing maniac must die today!

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